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Develop Leadership Skills

29 08 2006


Leaders are developed not born. Anyone can develop into a leader. It requires the desire and will-power to become a Leader. The Leaders develop themselves through an un-ending process of self-study, self-improvement, education, training, and experience. I will attempt to guide you through that process.

Let’s first examine the definition and concept of Leadership. Leadership as a process deals with influencing others to achieve, attain or accomplish the objectives. In the process, available resources are deployed or used or utilized, to the extent needed or required, in order to attain the set objectives or the closest possible thereto. A good Leader achieves through a communication process to seek sense of achievement amongst the team that is on task and the organization as a whole. Read the rest of this entry »

Leadership Success Secrets

11 07 2006

Before you get started reading this, go to right now and do a search on success. You will find over 1 Billion pages returned. Now does that tell you something?

What comes to my mind is that there are a lot of people looking to find success. They are searching for answers, hoping to find some magic potion. They want it in their daily lives; they want to be successful in their business. People want to make more money, they want success in everything aspect of their existence.

It also tells me many people do not know how to be successful, or know what it takes to succeed. Success can mean many different things to many different people, but one thing is certain, everybody wants it. You and I are no different.
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The Danger of Short-cuts in Writing Business Plans

23 06 2006

They are available all over. Tools to help write a business plans can be found in books, software programs, and on-line sites. While many of them have some good features to them, for many entrepreneurs these aids become a short-cut.

I can usually spot a plan that has been written using one of the latest software tools or books. Several things stand out:

- They have a predetermined structure, so all plans written using these tools looks the same. I can spot plans using some of the more popular software a mile away.

- They tend to have fairly weak transitions and flow from section to section.

- They have sections that make no sense for some businesses, but people leave them in and try to write something. For example, a section on distribution often makes very little sense for a service business, but it is in the software and it ends up in their plan any way.
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