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Tithing: The Active Ingredient in Living a Prosperous Life

7 08 2006

True prosperity has a spiritual basis. “God is the Source of your supply.” So states Catherine Ponder in her wonderful book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. Just as we engage God through prayer for that which we claim to be true, and we connect with God spiritually through the practice of meditation, so too do we give the GIFT of Tithing to consistently keep in touch with the Infinite Source of our supply, God.”Systematic giving opens the way to systematic receiving,” according to Dr. Ponder. Giving to God 10% of that which we have received to persons or places where you are receiving your spiritual nourishment allows you to enjoy true prosperity with wondrous results.

The practice of the ancient law of prosperity is as old as we are as a species. From primitive man who offered sacrifices to his gods to evolving civilizations of Egyptians, Babylonians and Arabians, Greeks, Romans and Chinese, tithing (the word “tithe” means Read the rest of this entry »

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Have More Of What You Really Want

5 08 2006

If you are like most people, you may feel at the mercy of life and that you have little power over how things turn out. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You can learn to use attraction to have more of what you want. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force and is responsible for most of what you experience in life (good and bad). It is accessible to every human being at every moment in time. All you have to do is learn how to harness it to make it work to your advantage.
Everything in the world is made of energy - you, a rock, tree, or table. Energy is vibration, and everything vibrates. As a human (energetic) being, you have a frequency that you vibrate at - sometimes high, low, or in-between. Read the rest of this entry »

All You Need To Know About Adsense To Blast Your Income Sky-high!

20 06 2006

From my personal experience and from speaking with many other publishers, it seems that many of them cannot even garner enough earnings to trigger off a payment from Google (USD $100). This is really sad because many give up before even reaching the halfway mark. Imagine adding up all the quitters, the amount of advertising money Google would have pocketed without paying a cent!

Point #1 Find Your Niche.
You need to know about your topic or subject fully and be an at least knowledgeable on it. You write quality content, you get quality ads shown. It is as simple as that. If you really found profitable niche on but know nuts about it, you can always use free articles (like this one) and post them on your site with their links on them of course. It is a easy and quick way to get quality content to your site.
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Your Own Personal Mission Statement

27 05 2006

Ok, so just got off the phone with a good friend. We were discussing the importance of defining your own personal mission statement.

Why are you here? What is your purpose in life? What is your life’s mission? What do you wish to accomplish? Where would you like to go? How can you help?

Life is short, and life is FAST… We are all on this sphere of electrons, protons, and neutrons spinning …at outrageous speeds. The circumference of the Earth at the equator is approx 25,000 miles. The Earth rotates in about 24 hours. Therefore, if you were Read the rest of this entry »

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