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The Law of Attraction and your Personal Tributaries

21 08 2006

Personal Tributaries

Its been a couple weeks since I have thrown some thoughts your way, and while working out tonight on the elliptical, while reading a great book, I came across some great thoughts.

One. Whatever you think about, either positive or negative… the more of that you get in your life. This goes for things that you think that you WANT, and for things that you think that you DON’T want. Regardless, you are gonna get more of what you place your focus on. It is the Law of Attraction.

Right now, DON’T think of the color blue. Just dont think of that color, think of any color except Blue. Its nearly impossible.

If you are always thinking “Why cant I attract the person of my dreams? Why can’t I find someone to love me? Why do I always mess up these relationships?” You are going to be attracted to more of the same.

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Believe the Hype? - Making Millions Online

20 08 2006

Making MoneyHow much money can you make online? Are there really online millionaires?

Of course there are, but is it reasonable to expect that you can be one of them. Don’t let the hype surrounding the emergence of opportunities cause you to lose your common sense. Millionaires are made by effectively assessing the needs of a market and having a product or service that addresses those needs.

The internet can greatly expand your ways to sell products or services. Some people have been able to use this to make a great deal of money. Some companies that operate only on the net have made online millionaires of their founders.

Before the internet there were auctions, but no eBay. With thousands of items sold daily, each one making a profit for eBay, there is no doubt that the founders must be online millionaires.
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The Pauper Mentality with Google Adsense Tip

15 08 2006

Some people are stuck on being poor. They think about all the debt they have, and are consumed by their LACK of money. Here is the trick The more you think about what you DONT want the more of that you get. If you think Debt The universe will send you more of what you think about most passionately.

Live with Passion, as Mentor Guru Anthony Robbins has so eloquently stated, but be passionate about that in which you WANT not dont want. Its so easy to get caught up in the Pauper Mentality and be in a constant state of lack. But a swift change in focus will allow abundance to flow into your life.

Choose to be successful. Choose to be Wealthy. Choose your Thoughts Wisely. Choose a Prosperity Consciousness, and Create Wealth.

Google AdSense Tip

If you are wanting to make money and get out of the trap, here is a strategy that may assist you in your journey towards wealth. Read the rest of this entry »

Heroes - Napoleon Hill

14 08 2006

Napoleon HillNapoleon Hill (October 26, 1883–November 8, 1970) was an American author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature. His most famous work, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling books of all time.

According to his official biographer, Hill was born into poverty in a two-room cabin in the town of Pound in rural Wise County, Virginia. His mother died when he was ten years old. His father remarried two years later.

At the age of thirteen he began writing as a “mountain reporter” for small-town newspapers. He used his earnings as a reporter to enter law school, but soon had to withdraw for financial reasons. The turning point in his career is considered to have been in 1908 with his assignment, as part of a series of articles about famous men, to interview industrialist Andrew Carnegie, who at the time was one of the richest men in the world. Hill discovered that Read the rest of this entry »

The $100 Bill in Wallet Project

13 08 2006

Hundred Dollar Bills, Y'all

It occured to me the other day, that money flows FROM my wallet, and FROM my bank. Noticing this, I started thinking, if I am constantly GIVING money to others with money GOING from my wallet to others, how is this affecting my attraction of money into my life.

Later that night, I picked up the latest book I am reading, “Ask and it is Given”, by Esther Hicks… the next chapter was…

“Process #15: The Wallet Process”

This process, from the book Ask and it is Givencan be used when you want to increase the flow of money in your life or improve the way you feel about money. Read the rest of this entry »

How to Get Booked on Oprah

12 08 2006

Oprah!Most authors believe that getting on Oprah will make them a Millionaire and their book a bestseller. For your book and career to take-off like the last space shuttle, you must prepare to make the most of your appearance. Here are some hot tips to help you get invited as a guest on the show, rivet your audience on the air, and ultimately sell yourself along with your book(s). As a media coach and marketing expert, I have helped many people get booked on Oprah, so I know there is a strategy that, if followed, will help speakers increase their chances of getting on the show.

Pitch and prepare.

Before you actually get booked on Oprah, you need to know how to pitch an idea to the show’s producers and how to prepare yourself for the big day. Read the rest of this entry »

Enlightened Thinking For Creating Wealth

9 08 2006

wealthWe become what we think. If you think poverty, it is inevitable that you will be poor. Whereas if you think prosperity, your life will generate wealth, you will blossom like a rose bud in the sunshine, like a caterpillar metamorphosed into a beautiful butterfly. Creative ideas will start flowing, you’ll wake up each day looking forward to it, expecting new ideas to unveil themselves to you that day, to generate wealth, to make a difference in the world.

Your destiny depends upon you, by what you dwell on and the choices that you make. We all have the choice to either think, or dwell on the negative things of life, the impossibilities or the positive things, the possibilities. In the Bible it states that, “Anything is possible, if you have faith.” In other words, what do you believe in, what are the truths that you base your life on. If you truly believe that nothing is impossible to you, for you, then unlimited wealth is at your doorstep. Read the rest of this entry »

Heroes - Pohaku

8 08 2006

PohakuWho is Pohaku?

Pohaku is your spiritual coach. His job is to help you remember the things that you already know. Like a treasure buried beneath your house, this knowledge has been within you all the time and Pohaku is simply helping you unearth what is already yours. The shamanic belief system Pohaku uses is based on the ancient Polynesian system commonly referred to as “Huna”.

He has been living in Hawaii, practicing the Huna way for over 20 years and has studied Read the rest of this entry »

Plan your Credit Card Usage. Wise Up!

8 08 2006

While many people don’t like to talk about it unemployment is something very real that has the potential to be very damaging for the ill prepared. Due to poor planning and denial, many people once unemployed find themselves in a severe financial struggle. Credit card companies are calling them at home, at their old offices, and in some cases contacting them via mail and e-mail. So not only are they being stalked by creditors they are also, more than likely, getting calls of rejection from potential employers. What a way to spend a day. So how can you keep yourself from being in a similar situation? The key to surviving unemployment or an abrupt interruption in employment with out major blemishes on your credit report is setting up an emergency fund, and developing a plan which includes purchasing credit insurance, and contacting your creditors to let them know about your situation.

The first thing that all households should do regardless of whether you have credit cards or not, is to establish an emergency fund to cover your household expenses for up to six months. Read the rest of this entry »

Tithing: The Active Ingredient in Living a Prosperous Life

7 08 2006

True prosperity has a spiritual basis. “God is the Source of your supply.” So states Catherine Ponder in her wonderful book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. Just as we engage God through prayer for that which we claim to be true, and we connect with God spiritually through the practice of meditation, so too do we give the GIFT of Tithing to consistently keep in touch with the Infinite Source of our supply, God.”Systematic giving opens the way to systematic receiving,” according to Dr. Ponder. Giving to God 10% of that which we have received to persons or places where you are receiving your spiritual nourishment allows you to enjoy true prosperity with wondrous results.

The practice of the ancient law of prosperity is as old as we are as a species. From primitive man who offered sacrifices to his gods to evolving civilizations of Egyptians, Babylonians and Arabians, Greeks, Romans and Chinese, tithing (the word “tithe” means Read the rest of this entry »

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