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Delusions of Grandeur

7 04 2006

I have to say… I’m fuggin awesome… and I love myself and think that I kick ass, in nearly every single way. heh. And if everyone loved themselves and strived to make themselves as good as possible, what a world it would be.

Is it ego to want to be the best that we can be in mind, spirit, and body? I think not, in fact, its our responsibility to be the best we can be.

Don’t get me wrong… Im far from perfect. But, I truly love myself and am quite happy with who I am… and the blessing that I have. However, am I content? No. So, Im aways in a state of improvement.

What can I learn? What else is out there? Whats this all about? What class can I take? Where can I go? How can I make this happen? Where can I find the information? How can I react to this situation differently?

grandeur Audio pronunciation of ( P ) Pronunciation Key (grnjr, -jr)

  1. The quality or condition of being grand; magnificence: “The world is charged with the grandeur of God” (Gerard Manley Hopkins).
  2. Nobility or greatness of character.

You know, I think our quality of life is in a direct correlation with the quality of questions that we ask ourselves. If we ask ourselves shitty questions… more than likely your brain will give you an answer to your shitty question.

Why does everyone hate me? Why do I always fugg up? Why am I an idiot? Why do I always trip and fall…? Why do I stay with this lacksidasical idiot? Why am I worthless? How come I cant ever do this?

Ask these type of questions and you will negatively affect your life, fo’ sho’.

So, ask yourself empowering questions… as cheesy as it may sound. I kick ass. Belee dat… and so do you… if you decide to create some delusions of granduer for yourself.

Dream big. Ask the right questions. And listen. And, of course, Love.

Word to your mutha


FYI, Im kinda of a smart ass…I think Im gonna mix these up a bit… be serious sometimes… sometimes be a smartass. Its funner that way. heh… Learning and laughing are two great things. So, lets add them together.

This is btw the best time of the year… so please everyone out there, send your love to the Kansas Jayhawks… freshmen and sophomores lost 1 game in past 2 months. Lets keep it that way… heh.

“Rock Out with your ‘Hawks out.”

© rr 2006 alpaca entertainment inc. heh.

Fear the Smoking Alpaca.

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