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Ten Days to a Happier, More Successful Career and Life

30 08 2006

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” said our Founding Fathers. The truths you will discover over the next ten days or lessons are self-evident, too, but they are profoundly difficult to practice. Even as I write this series, I find myself questioning whether I am practicing what I am recommending. So, consider the pursuit of happiness and success in work and life - a journey. And, you and I are fellow travelers. These practices will help get you started on that journey.

I wish life, family, and work were easy. Really. But, they’re not. The best of you struggle with concepts such as loving your work, balancing home and family life with work, and making the income that allows you to fulfill your dreams. You struggle with a lot more than that, too. Read the rest of this entry »

Mentoring is a Key to Career Success

22 08 2006

In the past year I have been asked by three Fortune 100 companies to give multiple presentations on mentoring — does that tell you this might be an important topic?

Here is the hard truth: your career is your responsibility. We no longer live in a business world of guaranteed employment - at the most all a company will offer you is “employability” (i.e. training and experience for the next job you move on to). So if you want to move ahead and succeed – you do NOT need a mentor… you need a vast network of “Power Mentors” to help you on your way.
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Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness

19 08 2006


I sometimes grab the Workbook for the “Course in Miracles” and open it randomly… and today, this is what popped up. Perhaps this will resonate with some of you, as it resonated with me.


Forgiveness is the key to happiness.Here is the answer to your search for peace. Here is the key to meaning in a world that seems to make no sense. Here is the way to safety in apparent dangers that appear to threaten you at every turn, and bring uncertainty to all your hopes of ever finding quietness and peace. Here are all questions answered; here the end of all uncertainty ensured at last.

The unforgiving mind is full of fear, and offers love no room to be itself; no place where it can spread its wings in peace and soar above the turmoil of the world. The unforgiving mind is sad, without the hope of respite and release from pain. It suffers and abides in misery, peering about in darkness, seeing not, yet certain of the danger lurking there.

The unforgiving mind is torn with Read the rest of this entry »

Your Brain is the Greatest Computer Ever Created

18 08 2006

Have you ever walked into a room and couldn’t remember what you went there for? Have you ever grasped the hand of a potential client and then when the handshake broke, the name seemed to disappear from your memory? Or have you ever left a prospect and as you drove away remembered a key point that you should have shared with them?

Of course you have… we all have. However, I have some great news for you. Your memory is nowhere near as bad as you may think it is. Recently, I was a guest at a radio station in Waco. The disc jockey wrote a 50-digit number on a sheet of paper and told his listening audience and then played a three-minute song for his audience.

As the listeners enjoyed the song I memorized the 50-digit number. When the song was over we went Read the rest of this entry »

Knowing Where You Are Going Vs Bouncing Off The Wall

16 08 2006

Many singles are total helter-skelter and seem, from outward appearances, to thrive on that for a little while. But many more suffer from severe anxiety and extreme ups and downs of depression and unhappiness as a result of instability….

As I see it, one of the reasons for this is that many have no direction or purpose to their lives, or in short - no goals or direction. They are sort of bouncing off the wall taking whatever comes. Hopefully, they are just “killing time until Mr. or Ms. Right comes along”.

Marrieds (happy types), usually have some goals or purpose. Getting the kids thru school, saving up for the big trip, moving to a bigger or better house, striving to achieve some goal in whatever it is they are trying to do together.

Often when they reach that goal and they have no new goal, when they get the kids thru college or move into the house they always wanted, with no common goal left, the marriage falls apart. Read the rest of this entry »

Heroes - Pohaku

8 08 2006

PohakuWho is Pohaku?

Pohaku is your spiritual coach. His job is to help you remember the things that you already know. Like a treasure buried beneath your house, this knowledge has been within you all the time and Pohaku is simply helping you unearth what is already yours. The shamanic belief system Pohaku uses is based on the ancient Polynesian system commonly referred to as “Huna”.

He has been living in Hawaii, practicing the Huna way for over 20 years and has studied Read the rest of this entry »

Why I Avoid Negative People Like The Plague

1 08 2006

If you’re trying to make any sort of change in your life, to take your self or your business to a higher level, there’s a certain kind of person that you should avoid like the plague.

They’re the pessimists, the negative people who see life through glasses coloured with their own limiting beliefs and low self-esteem.

These are people who can never see the good side of things… who insist that someone or something is out to get them.

Who have so much self-loathing, that the only way they can feel good about themselves is by judging others. So little self-esteem that they end up pulling you down with them.

They don’t seem to understand that negativity and hate only breeds more of the same. And what you give out, you get back.

Some of them try to cover it up with arrogance, masquerading as Read the rest of this entry »

What’s Your Why?

16 05 2006

This may be the most compelling word of all. “Why”. It motivates people to think and wonder. Children ask “why” of everything.

The reason “why” is so important in human thought is that thought revolves around meaning. If something has no meaning to us, we ignore it. When it takes on meaning, we fix our attention on it.

Without meaning, there is no internal motivation or purpose to take action and depression sets in. Without meaning, we don’t feel alive. That’s why it is so valuable to set goals for yourself. When we have a goal on which to focus, our life tends to reorganize itself around making it happen. The resources, solutions and answers start to appear.

Deep within you, you know what you are designed to do. There is a voice, a feeling, a sixth sense that tells you. We all have experienced the feeling that things would unfold in a particular direction, for a particular reason…destiny, fate.

I believe that all of us “know” our calling. We just fail to NOTICE. Marsha Sinetar wrote a book titled “Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow”. In my experience, that’s true. Things may not turn out as we originally hoped or expected, but the path is worth following.

Our interests and impulses are messages we should listen to. Follow your gut instinct. As Emerson said, “Desire is possibility seeking expression.” So, if something fascinates or fulfills you, you really should take notice. Your natural path may be calling you.
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What Stops us from Success & Fulfilling our Dreams and Desires?

27 04 2006

Some people believe they don’t deserve success. Some people believe that they lack the confidence they think they need to achieve success. Others are simply afraid to take the first step, afraid they’ll fail and then what?

Would you believe that the difference between every single person who has succeeded and those who haven’t is the one single quality of perseverance. Not courage, not luck, not social influence or any other quality because each of those qualities come naturally once you acquire an attitude of perseverance. Perseverance is the absolute refusal to give up.
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Are You Aware? Awareness Precedes Action. Common Pitfalls to be Aware of in Business:

18 04 2006

Ellie Drake-Ellie Drake

Here are some possible resistances along the way, not necessarily for us to avoid and resist, but most importantly to be aware of and know that they are there. Even the most dedicated traveler on this journey, will come across pitfalls.

First pitfall: Obsessive goal orientation …
Although it is great to set ambitious goals, the best way to reaching them is to cultivate modest expectations along the way, and most importantly to celebrate every small achievement.

Remember every step in this journey is it’s own destination. As an example, when we are climbing a mountain, we must be aware of where the peak is, however if we keep looking Read the rest of this entry »

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