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Learn how to Deliver a Masterful Elevator Pitch

27 08 2006

Elevator Pitch

You can picture it – you step onto an elevator and standing right there is your dream financier. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Your pulse quickens. Your body temperature rises. You know this is your shot.

To make sure you’re ready to seize the moment when fate puts you on that elevator with Mr. Moneybags, here we give you our advice on delivering an effective “elevator pitch” in as little as a one-minute ride. After all, Mr. Moneybags is always in a hurry and you’ve got to hook him quickly or you’ll never see him again!… Read the rest of this entry »

Left Brain Override - The Breakthrough Moment in my Career

22 08 2006

left brainAs a practicing clinical psychiatrist for more than twenty years before going into executive coaching and consulting, I used different parts of my brain/mind whenever I was evaluating a patient for a medication vs. empathizing with their internal world. Maybe others could do it, but in all those years I never fully integrated the evaluative and empathic ways of listening to people, but I was able to coordinate them. Over time, I was able to empathize with patients and “feel” what they felt and then could pause, change gears and know what medication might help ease the way they made me feel.

If the hairs on the back of my head stood up, I would think anti-psychotic medication Read the rest of this entry »

Mentoring is a Key to Career Success

22 08 2006

In the past year I have been asked by three Fortune 100 companies to give multiple presentations on mentoring — does that tell you this might be an important topic?

Here is the hard truth: your career is your responsibility. We no longer live in a business world of guaranteed employment - at the most all a company will offer you is “employability” (i.e. training and experience for the next job you move on to). So if you want to move ahead and succeed – you do NOT need a mentor… you need a vast network of “Power Mentors” to help you on your way.
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4 Rules For New Entrepreneurs - Practical Tips For Starting Right

20 08 2006

It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur—in the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and propelled an entrepreneurial revolution. As an entrepreneur, you now have more access to information that enables you to make more intelligent choices more quickly. You have an advantage over big businesses in that you’re lighter, more flexible, and faster on your feet. You can target new markets more quickly, and you can turn on a dime.

But being a successful entrepreneur requires that you look at the big picture and follow a plan through from beginning to end. Rieva Lesonsky, editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur Magazine gives some practical guidelines that can help you when beginning your own enterprise:

1.Don’t Quit Your Day Job.
Consider starting your business part-time, especially if it’s online, while you’re Read the rest of this entry »

Goal Setting Methods - Goal Setting Methods

22 06 2006

The art of goal-setting is correctly said to be the key to life-long success. At the same time, it is admitted that those who set goals often fail to follow through. Yes, they may be more likely to succeed than those who set no goals whatsoever. However, how can you learn to set goals and then follow through consistently to create the life you dream of?

First, be in no doubt about the critical importance of having goals, and preferably creating them in writing. What is a goal exactly? Tony Robbins defined a goal as a dream with a deadline. In other words, you define your dreams, and then come up with a time estimate of how long it will take for you to get there.

Tests repeatedly prove that those with such goals outperform those without. In one US study, it was found that university undergraduates with specific written goals constituted only 2-3% of the entire student population. However, several decades later, Read the rest of this entry »

Oh, How good it Feels to be a Thinker!

11 04 2006


So Im sitting here thinking… and it feels great. I highly recommend it.

Even after a few inebrients this evening, I notice my brain working at optimal levels. Maximizing each moment as it comes, and enjoying each moment.

Six beers while watching the very best college basketball team… in my mind, the University of Kansas Jayhawks beat the Oklahoma State Sooners by one point, 63-62.

My sister, Rachella from Manila, went to Oklahoma State… and is living with her Oklahoma State Alum fiance, Jamie. So, I called to antagonize her a bit during the game. And told her before the game, “For the next 2 hours I am Read the rest of this entry »

Business Plans | Taking Action To Achieve Your Dreams

11 04 2006

Contrary to the hype, you probably won’t make millions of dollars overnight while wearing your pajamas. Many new home-based businesses fail primarily because of poor planning and management, bad execution, or because of no market for their product. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), an estimated 33% of small businesses fail within the first year, 50% fail within the second year and 60% to 70% will fail within their first five years of operation. But don’t let those facts scare you. There are thousands of home-based success stories. The difference between success and failure in business is careful monitoring, planning, and management. With some business savvy, a good product, and some clever marketing, anyone can make a living by working from home.

Here are some specific action steps to help you plan, organize, and implement your new business.
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Delusions of Grandeur

7 04 2006

I have to say… I’m fuggin awesome… and I love myself and think that I kick ass, in nearly every single way. heh. And if everyone loved themselves and strived to make themselves as good as possible, what a world it would be.

Is it ego to want to be the best that we can be in mind, spirit, and body? I think not, in fact, its our responsibility to be the best we can be.

Don’t get me wrong… Im far from perfect. But, I truly love myself and am quite happy with who I am… and the blessing that I have. However, am I content? No. So, Im aways in a state of improvement.

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Time Management Tips for Solo Entrepreneurs

26 03 2006

Does it seem like everyone and everything is vying for your attention all at once? It can be hard for solo entrepreneurs to know what to do first, let alone try to find the time to get caught up. Here are some time management tips that will help you to stay on top of it all:

1. Put your to-do list in writing and prioritize it. Studies show that people who write their lists down are 90% more likely to complete their list than those who do not.

2. Be realistic about how long it takes to get things done. Block out a reasonable amount of time on your planner, especially if it’s an appointment where there’s driving time to consider. Read the rest of this entry »

The 4 Rules of Time

13 02 2006

There are four rules of time. The first is that time is perishable. This means that it cannot be saved. In fact, time can only be spent. Because time is perishable, the only thing you can do with it is to spend it differently, to reallocate your time away from activities of low value and toward activities of higher value. But once it is gone, it is gone forever.

Time Is Indispensable
The second rule of time is that time is indispensable. All work requires time. No matter what it is you want to do in life, even looking out a window or sleeping in for a few extra minutes, it requires a certain amount of time. And according to the 10/90 Rule, the 10 percent of time that you take to plan your activities carefully in advance will save you 90 percent of the effort involved in achieving your goals later. The very act of thinking through Read the rest of this entry »

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