The Proudest Walk of Life

15 01 2007

bride fatherby CG Contributor - Josh Bickford

I have been told that one of the proudest moment a father will ever have is when he has the joy of walking his little girl down the isle at her wedding. Every father walks his little girl, her hand in his arm, down the center isle, everyone watching while both of their eyes well up with tears. Even though everyone watches and smiles, the bride, and her father are not concerned with them. They are focused on their walk, on the experiences they’ve had together and the destination in which they are headed.

It’s truly one of the most beautiful moments of each wedding. The proud father gets to show off his little girl, and gets to display her in all of her beauty. While he may be crying, and his legs might be made of a rubber like substance, it’s not a moment he would give up for anything. There is no amount of money that he would take to give that opportunity to someone else. This is one of his proudest moments as a dad.

I’m sure that daddy has his mind wandering through his life with his daughter, tucking her in at night, when she’d climb into bed with him to hide from the monster in her closet, to the times she cried on his shoulder because something had caused her pain. Most dads would do anything and everything to keep pain from their little girls, but sometimes the best that they can offer is a shoulder to cry on.

So as daddy thinks about all the moments from his little girls life he can also see ahead to the goal that she has. He can see that his job in raising his girl to be a wife, and someday a mother is nearing an end. This little girl has grown up, way too fast of course, and has become the most beautiful creation he has ever seen.

It’s a joyous occasion for the father to delare that he is giving his daughter to be married. He lifts her vail, kisses her on the cheek and gives his daughter to the dream that she has spent her whole life dreaming about. It’s his pleasure to give his perfect little girl to what she wants, and to the future that she has spent her life dreaming of.

What most people never realize though is that our father wants the same for us. Our father wants to give us our dreams, just as any father wants to give their children every dream that they have.

God wants to take us, our arm in his, and lead us to the dreams that we have. It’s His pleasure to take your hand and walk you toward what it is that you have spent your life dreaming of doing. Those desires that He created in you as a child He wants to see you walk toward, plan for, and ultimately allow Him to take you to. It’s His pleasure, it’s what you were created for.

Those experiences that you have had along the way, God remembers them too. Those were used to help you grow, and mature, and stretch into the person that you were made to be.

Those times that your heart was broken, and you felt like you couldn’t go on, your father was waiting for you to come cry on His shoulder. He didn’t want to see you go through pain, but He knows it’s how you grow.

Will you take His hand, and allow him to walk you toward your goal? Will you walk even though you cry, your legs are rubber, and you’re scared about what you are going to do?

God wants to give you the dreams of your heart. The music is playing, the audience is in place, He’s just waiting for you to put your hands in His, and make the proudest walk of your life.

The question is, what are you waiting for?

Written By: Josh Bickford 01/08/2023

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