Don’t Focus on ‘Losing Weight’, Focus on Gaining Fitness.

16 03 2007

by Travis Wright

Far too often, we get on the scales and dread the number it gives us. We are focusing on the weight and not concentrating on getting fit. For us to truly gain fitness, we must not focus on the ‘losing’ of weight. Besides, who wants to be a loser?
personal development
I have battled with weight my entire life. As a kid, I was chubby, as I moved into my teens, I decided to be in shape and over the summer from my junior to senior year, by working out and focusing on fitness, I was able to lose 40lbs and be in the best shape of my life in 1991.

How time flies. From 1991-1999 I was in great shape, then I met the future wife , fell in love, got comfortable, and slowly began to deteriorate. Not any more, because I Focus on fitness.

Focus on Fitness.

This is the key. By focusing on becoming fit, and not thinking about how fat we are, we are able to change something within our subconscious and trigger a mental change. This is important. If you want to lose weight, you must focus on the fitness. What action would a fit person do? What would a fit person eat? What kind of clothes does a fit person wear?

Doesn’t it make sense?

You know when you focus on losing weight, the thing that is always on your mind is weight. “Losing weight, must lose weight. Damn, I fat. Why am I so fat? Why can’t I lose weight?”

This is all mental folks.

In the Science of Being Well, by Wallace Wattles, he talks about how important focusing on chewing your food can be for your overall health. By focusing on chewing the bite slowly, you enjoy the savory flavor of your food. You chew many times and enjoy the process. This will ensure that you digest the food better, and will become full sooner.

Here is a link to the public domain ebook, The Science of Being Well, an incredible resource for obtaining lifelong health.

Focus on what you want, and not in what you don’t want.

Successfully with much love,

Travis Wright

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One response to “Don’t Focus on ‘Losing Weight’, Focus on Gaining Fitness.”

20 03 2007
Saymorre (10:01:27) :

Hey Travis! Thanks for this reminder! I use this positive twist while I workout & it’s been extremely helpful. You are so awesome!

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