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Cultivate Greatness Blog Carnival #4, Oct 18th 2006

18 10 2006

Here we are with the 4th edition of the Success Blog Carnival at Cultivate Greatness. I would like to thank each and everyone who submitted articles, we are consistently growing and sharing valuable information. Without further adeiu, welcome to the October 18, 2023 edition of Success Blog Carnival.

David Maister presents How Did You Lose Your Innocence? posted at Passion, People and Principles.

David B. presents Million Dollar Idea, Billion Dollar Genius posted at How Do People Get Rich?.

Beverly Keaton Smith presents Finding Peace Through Forgiveness

Jane Chin presents Many Dimensions of Money

Erek Ostrowski presents Facing the Unknown

Alexander Becker presents WOW: How to Avoid Misunderstandings

Wenchypoo presents Memo to Old-Line Feminists

Debra Moorhead presents The Power of a Smile

supermom_in_ny presents I Was Sinking

Jeff presents The Shaman in the Mirror

Nelly Nandes presents The Strength of Weakness

Patricia presents Waiting on a Biopsy: How to Handle Uncertainty
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Let Your Children Be Children

18 10 2006

by Travis Wright

Ok, normally I won’t rant too often. However, something popped up on my radar that concerns me a bit. I was reading this morning and I noticed that this town near Boston, MA, is taking away all the fun from recess from these kids. No contact sports, No Tag, No Flag Football, etc.

ATTLEBORO, Massachusetts (AP) — Tag, you’re out!

Officials at an elementary school south of Boston have banned kids from playing tag, touch football and any other unsupervised chase game during recess for fear they’ll get hurt and hold the school liable.

Recess is “a time when accidents can happen,” said Willett Elementary School Principal Gaylene Heppe, who approved the ban.
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7 Questions To Tap Into The Limitless Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

17 10 2006

by Saleem Rana

When you map out what you want, you let go of the trivial tasks that clutter up your thoughts. When you focus on achieving a definite major purpose, your life will assume an energy and unity that will be exhilerating. Self-discipline will appear spontaneously.

You can prime your subconscious to tell you what you really want in your life.

Here are a seven questions you could ask yourself to be clear on your major definite purpose in life.

1. Questions about your interests. What do you enjoy doing? What things do you do well? Can you isolate one of these things that you enjoy and do well and make it into a definite major purpose? What is your magnificent obessession? What gifts do you bring to this planet? How would you like to be remembered?
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How to Be Successful

17 10 2006

by Johanne Alarie

Is it not what we all are dreaming of? Being a Success! We want to be successful in school, in our jobs, in our relationships. In fact, we dream about being successful in everything. But what a challenge this is!

Most of the people believe that they just can’t achieve great success because they don’t have what it takes, or because they’re not educated enough! They complain that luck is never on their side or that they weren’t born to be successful, or even that they are too poor to ever even think about being something else!

You know what? You don’t need luck or any diploma to accomplish the success you deserve.

You just need faith. Faith that you will indeed be successful, faith that you have all that it takes to make it to the top! You have to BELIEVE that YOU ARE the most successful person you ever met.
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Live Your Best Life!

16 10 2006

By Leslie Gail

What does it mean to live your best life? Is it professional success? Is it balance between work and family? Is it expressing your authentic self? I believe living your best life means living a life of truth, following your purpose and showing your love for those in your life. We all know when we aren’t following our path, when we’ve steered off course as I say.

We are all dealt a deck of cards throughout our lives, sometimes we have a good hand and sometimes we are dealt a not so good hand. It is how we perservere that makes us stand out and succeed. Something that I feel is extremely important when trying to live your best life is putting yourself first. We all have goals and visions for our lives and it is important to keep focused on that goal no matter what obstacles or people come in your way. If you allow others to steer you off course then you aren’t putting yourself and your priorities first. This is not a selfish act at all, it is merely staying focused on what will make you happy.
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Mindspeaking: Communicating with Your Subconcious Mind.

14 10 2006

By Matt Dawodin

They say you only use about 10% of our brain. Thinking of all the accomplishments of man this is quite impressive and leaves a substantial amount of potential untapped. Science can use MRIs and other methods to look into your brain and see where you’re thinking. The thing is, you already have a connection to this vast untapped potential that’s faster than the fastest broadband connection. But before you go to uncharted lands making changes and experimenting with the unknown, lets take a look at the way things work in the known realm, so you can recognize patterns when you get to the unknown. Lets begin mindspeaking.

Mindspeaking, simply put, is communicating with your own mind. Of course you’ve been doing this subconsciously since you’ve existed. Most people don’t take the time to see what’s in their heads. Think about the word fire. Now think of a picture of fire. Remember a good fire like a campfire or fireplace. How about a memory of when you disliked fire, getting burned by the stove or seeing fire destroy something important?
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Weight Loss and the Law of Attraction

14 10 2006

By Aaron M. Potts

Depending on the circles that you run in, you may or may not have heard about a very powerful force in your life that is called the Law of Attraction. It’s powers are literally limitless and utilizing those powers is absolutely free of charge!

Who doesn’t want Unlimited Cosmic Power without even having to bust open their wallet?

I will start with a brief introduction to the Law of Attraction, and then I will get right into how you can use this universal power for something that a lot of people care about – losing weight!

In simple terms, the Law of Attraction basically states that “like attracts like”. Whatever thoughts and feelings that you focus on the most will literally determine your future.

In fact, the Law of Attraction has already been working for you and every other life form in our universe since the beginning of time. However, only recently has education about its incredible power become readily available to the general public.
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Three Factors for Financial Success

13 10 2006

by Brian Tracy

What do wealthy people do or have that enables them to accomplish so much more than the average? I believe that these people are successful as a result of what I call leverage. Leverage is the key to maximizing and multiplying your potential for success and financial achievement. Here are three examples of leverage that you can develop to achieve financial independence:

Become an Expert
First, become an expert in your chosen field. Read all the books, take all the courses, listen to all the audio programs. Second, specialize in those areas that are of greatest importance and greatest value to your company or to your customers. And the third key is know your product or service inside out. Aim to be recognized as the industry expert in your field. Remember the person who has the expertise has a far greater contribution to make than the person whose knowledge is just average.
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Home Mortgage Loan Refinancing Online - 3 Tips On Refinancing Your Home

12 10 2006

When refinancing your home, it’s helpful to know a few things about refinancing. When you refinance, you usually pay off the old loan and sign for a new loan, whether you are refinancing your 1st mortgage, second mortgage or home equity loan. The expense that comes in to play when refinancing are the new closing costs and points charge for getting a new loan.

How much can you expect in closing costs for a refinance? Usually between 3-6% of the total loan amount. So, for a loan amount of $150,000, you can expect to pay around $7 in fees. Usually, a company that will say that have no closing costs, will also charge a higher interest rate to compensate. The mortgage broker has to make money somehow, they will either charge a higher interest rate or charge higher closing costs. The best way to compare refinance lenders is to analyze all of the expenses. Read the rest of this entry »

Are You Living the Life You Imagined?

11 10 2006

Do you feel strong, healthy, financially secure?

are you too busy working to make more money than you need just to ‘get by’?

Will you be in the same position five years from now?

So you’ve scoured the internet for a home business and are now totally confused, how do you separate the real diamonds from the fake?

Most business opportunity websites focus on money and success stories. Do you REALLY think that you can:
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