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Mindspeaking: Communicating with Your Subconcious Mind.

October 14, 2023

By Matt Dawodin

They say you only use about 10% of our brain. Thinking of all the accomplishments of man this is quite impressive and leaves a substantial amount of potential untapped. Science can use MRIs and other methods to look into your brain and see where you’re thinking. The thing is, you already have a connection to this vast untapped potential that’s faster than the fastest broadband connection. But before you go to uncharted lands making changes and experimenting with the unknown, lets take a look at the way things work in the known realm, so you can recognize patterns when you get to the unknown. Lets begin mindspeaking.

Mindspeaking, simply put, is communicating with your own mind. Of course you’ve been doing this subconsciously since you’ve existed. Most people don’t take the time to see what’s in their heads. Think about the word fire. Now think of a picture of fire. Remember a good fire like a campfire or fireplace. How about a memory of when you disliked fire, getting burned by the stove or seeing fire destroy something important?

It’s only one thing, but look at the ways that different parts of you mind think of fire. Depending on the situation you might want to use a different method of thought for the same object. If a friend tells you their cousin drowned, thinking of a refreshing drink of water isn’t going to conjure up the empathy that might be proper for this kind of situation.

Efficiency is also a matter. There are some things that can be thought of much quicker as a picture that would take forever to think in words. Conversely, it could be quicker to tell someone else about an object or event than it would be to sit there and draw it all out. Look for the right tool for the right job.

There are many different ways of thinking. These methods of thought are the 10% of the mind we’ve explored thus far. This is not a comprehensive list, far from it, but here are some of the more commonly utilized methods of thought:

  1. Words
  2. – to think in words is just like what you’re reading here. This is the voice in your head. For many people this is the dominant method of thinking. As any thoughts you share with other people in a conversation will first be translated into words, many people tend to think in words with the benefit of having their thoughts ready to share. If you and a friend are in the jungle and you see a tiger it would take too long to draw a picture and show your friend, and might not be possible to directly relate the feeling of fear to your friend, so words would be the quickest and easiest way to have your friend understand the danger.

  3. Pictures
  4. – thinking in pictures is relating a thought to the way you see the world around you. As vision is a highly developed sense and the staple of mans perception of his environment this method of thought instantly relays a huge volume of information. While it may take a while to create a picture for someone external to see, internally its an incredibly fast way to capture information. The image of the tiger in the jungle is comprised of immense depth. Think of all the words to describe a jungle visually, the words to describe a tiger, the words to describe yourself in this setting. To see this image is all of these words simultaneously. Upon your return to civilization a painting of this scene could relate to a viewer all the things you felt. In effect put them in your shoes, as if seeing this scene with their own eyes and grant them a connection to all the things you may have felt in the moment.

  5. Memories
  6. – in remembering you can base whatever current dilemma on previous ones. Very handy to solve problems. If your pencil breaks and sharpening it fixed it last time, it should work again. Remembering enables learning through a series of patterns. Lack of memories to provide a similar pattern can be frightening and confusing, especially if time is of the essence. With the tiger, most people would have no similar memory to compare it to. What do you do in such a situation like that? Good thing is that if you experience something that there is no previous pattern for then you are at an opportunity to learn.

These are just a few of the ways to think. There’s many more, such as math, music, etc, and plenty that probably haven’t been thought of yet. A key thing to remember is that although there is a method you prefer to use, this method of thought isn’t you. You may think in words, but the section of the mind that uses words is not your consciousness. The same goes for pictures, emotions, or whatever your main method of thought is.

There’s an essence within you that does nothing but want. The want section is where your consciousness, or perhaps you soul, lies.

Take this example for instance: Imagine there’s a cup of water on the table in front of you. If you are thirsty you will want to drink out of it. Maybe you’ll see the picture, think the word, remember the feel of drinking or what have you, but this is just a translation of you want. When you want this, a set of events will be set in motion. Your arm reaches out, picks up the cup and lifts to your lips, your throat takes sips or gulps, and all this happens without a conscious thought required. You need think of these actions no more than you need think of how to use the water once it’s in your system, all you need to do is want. As a child you perfected these movements, you wanted something, and as your body went through the motions you assessed whether the outcome was to your liking. Next time you tried you built on this knowledge until you mastered the technique.

Now you know your job, you want things. Sayings like “You can do anything you put your mind to” stem from this. If you want something, and want it bad enough, the rest of your mind will seek a way to accomplish this goal. Having a little knowledge about how the mind works can give a great boost in your outputs now. If you wanted to maximize your thinking abilities, or wanted to explore the unknown reaches of the human mind, then your mind would set about ways to accomplish this task for you.

Anything you master takes a bit of practice. Just like riding a bike when you had to pedal, balance, steer all at once. In the beginning it can seem overwhelming, but after a while it takes no effort to synchronize all of these. Now if you want to ride you just get on, if you want to turn left you do, easy as that. If you exercise aspects of your mind you can do things without effort as well, although it may be very difficult at first. Also what you practice will determine what gets better. BMX and Tour de France athletes both ride bikes, but the style in which they ride give them different capabilities entirely.

Try writing down all the methods of thought you can think of, or just the ones you would like to exercise, on a 3X5 card. Once an hour (helps to have a watch that beeps hourly) look at the card and concentrate on one of the methods you’ve written. If you’ve written pictures, grab something to read and try to vividly picture some of the words. Close your eyes and see images of all the sounds you hear, what color is that car that’s driving by? is it new or does it have lots of scratches, is it dirty? Do this for a minute or two. Next time go to the next method of thought written on the card.

One of the best ways to practice is to talk with other people. Ask how they think and relate your own ways. You will find remarkable similarities and some new outlooks you probably never thought of. Try to put yourself in someone else’s position and see how the world looks from their perspective. Find what connects you to other people and what makes you unique.

There’s a huge amount of unexplored terrain in the mind. You have the keys to knowledge within you and all you have to do is seek it out. With an open mind and intent of learning you can comprehend things that you’ve done for a lifetime without thinking or explore new ways to improve yourself and the world around you. There are no limits, everything you know and many things you don’t are contained within your own mind. Your potential is waiting for you.

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3 Responses to “Mindspeaking: Communicating with Your Subconcious Mind.”

  1. Hazel on July 31st, 2007 10:33 am

    Thank you fo the 3 pointers you mentioned, that is words, pictures and memories. Research stated 10% of our brain is being used only, 90% are yet to be explored. There is so much potential out there. I agreed with most of your views.

  2. Hasika Fernando on August 2nd, 2007 6:12 am

    I am from Sri Lanka. A secretary 43 years old.

    Would like to learn about subconcious mind please send me
    details through e-mails

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  3. Juda on December 2nd, 2008 4:58 am

    Can u explain how tn make the big picture when i recieve bits of communication like 1word or half a sentence
    Im on my mobile i try to contact later
    or mail me or how u like it

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