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Motivation and Inspiration

31 08 2006

The difficulty with starting a journey like mine has always been maintaining the motivation to continue indefinitely. How many of us have begun things with the promise to ourselves and others that we’ll continue indefinitely, only to finish a week or two later and move on to something completely different. Take new years resolutions, for example……

I’ve found that there are a number of ways to remain motivated - things that inspire me to continue with this life improvement journey when previously I might have already given up by now. So I’m going to share these with you : Read the rest of this entry »

The Myth of Thinking Big

29 08 2006

“I’m going to open my own business and make a million dollars.”
“I’m going to lose 100 pounds of fat.”
“I’m going to become a famous movie star!”

Everyday, we hear these grandiose claims made by our family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. They tell us at every opportunity and we nod politely as we listen to them ramble on and on. Time goes by. Read the rest of this entry »

Self-Improvement: Becoming a Student of Life

25 08 2006

One of the habits that has served me well throughout my life is keeping the mind-set of a student. I’ve always had an insatiable curiosity about a wide variety of topics, and I’m usually reading several books during the same time period. I’ve read about some really fascinating things, like quantum physics, and some really cheesy things, like romance novels. Truth be told, I’ve enjoyed them all!

It occurred to me the other day that it doesn’t matter what I’m learning about, as long as I’m consistently learning. I’m like a sponge that gets dry and shriveled if I don’t absorb something on a regular basis. My life then becomes boring and stagnant, and I feel sluggish and uninspired.

If this describes your life right now, you can turn it around pretty easily. Adopt the attitude of a student, and watch how it infuses you with joy, excitement, and motivation.
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Enthusiology - The Science of Enthusiasm

23 08 2006

“You’re an Enthusiologist.” I heard someone tell me in a dream one evening. I immediately woke up.

“Hrmm. What is an Enthusiologist? One who studies Enthusiology. What is enthusiology? I would say, the Science of Enthusiasm. The Science of “Feeling Good” about something.

That night, I got up out of bed, and went to to search for the term enthusiology. There were 18 listings on Google for the word. So, I check and it is taken. Nice. This person got the idea a couple years ago, it appeared… Good show.

“You can’t register every domain name idea that pops into your mind.”, I tell myself. However, I can dive into the meaning of the word, and what it means to be inspired. Read the rest of this entry »

The Karma Gym And Viral Smiling

23 08 2006

Hello it’s Hypnotherapist Richard MacKenzie from the UK, here with another great article for you to get sunk right into and use to change your life to achieve the existence of your dreams! And remember if you like this article and it helps you, why not forward it on to friends and family members just to show them how much you care.

So today I want to talk about Karma, but not just any old Karma. I want to talk about contagious Karma! I want to cover how we as humans can become contagious with happiness, love, peace, respect, abundance and much much more.

Just do me a favour and remember those happy times from childhood. Remember the first time that you saved you pocket money to by a gift for a friend of your parents. Remember how great and exciting this new experience felt. Remember the times when you were running around in the playground or in the meadows with your friends or siblings and laughing so hard in hurt.
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The Law of Attraction and your Personal Tributaries

21 08 2006

Personal Tributaries

Its been a couple weeks since I have thrown some thoughts your way, and while working out tonight on the elliptical, while reading a great book, I came across some great thoughts.

One. Whatever you think about, either positive or negative… the more of that you get in your life. This goes for things that you think that you WANT, and for things that you think that you DON’T want. Regardless, you are gonna get more of what you place your focus on. It is the Law of Attraction.

Right now, DON’T think of the color blue. Just dont think of that color, think of any color except Blue. Its nearly impossible.

If you are always thinking “Why cant I attract the person of my dreams? Why can’t I find someone to love me? Why do I always mess up these relationships?” You are going to be attracted to more of the same.

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Being Your Own Cheerleader

19 08 2006

Many of us believe that the only way to feel good about ourselves is to have someone else constantly reaffirm to us that we are good people. The truth is, however, that the act of simply believing in ourselves can be enough to give us the necessary confidence to accomplish the impossible, achieve greatness, and pick ourselves up when we fall. Far too often we rely on others in our lives to provide us with a best friends kindness, a childs love, or a spouses support. If we need love and support, the first place we should look is within ourselves.

Being able to love ourselves requires a lot of practice. Overcoming years of negative reinforcement from society is tough to do. However, once you can successfully say you can love yourself, nobody can take it away from you. We must learn to be our own best friend, our own cheerleaders. We need to provide Read the rest of this entry »

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude… Even on a Bad Day

18 08 2006

Way of Peaceful WarriorDan Millman, author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior, described a time when his mentor, named Socrates, challenged Dan to sit out on a large, flat stone until he had “something of value” to share. Dan sat out on the rock for hours and hours. On more than one occasion, believing he had come up with something, he went to tell Socrates. Each of these times, Socrates decided the statement was not good enough, and he sent Dan back to the rock for more hours of pondering. Finally, Dan had an insight that he knew was something of value. When Dan shared this insight, Socrates looked up, smiled, and welcomed Dan back inside. The “something of value” that Dan had realized was this: “There are no ordinary moments.” This is the essence of gratitude. No moment, nothing in life, should be taken for granted. In developing gratitude for every moment — for the simple joys, and even for the challenging times in our lives — we come to truly enjoy and appreciate life. Then we are able to see the magic that surrounds us every second of every minute of every day.

There were times in my life, especially moments when I was “wowed” by the beauty of a mountain view or a sunset over the ocean, that I genuinely felt grateful for being alive. But I never really thought about consciously cultivating an attitude of gratitude until Read the rest of this entry »

The Top 10 Best Ideas For Setting Goals

17 08 2006

You cannot pick up a book or participate in a training program today without the author or instructor teaching the power of goal setting. Yet, most people today spend more time planning a two-week vacation than planning their lives by setting goals. It’s been said that achieving goals is not a problem-it’s SETTING goals that is the problem. People just don’t do it. They leave their lives to chance…and usually end up broke by the time they reach retirement.

I thought that since this is such an important ingredient for developing a successful network marketing business, this was a good time to share with you some of the greatest thoughts about goal setting that I’ve discovered over the years.

So, here goes… Read the rest of this entry »

Writing Questions to Focus Yourself for More Empowering Answers

16 08 2006

?I have found many ways to use the power of focusing attention through the writing process. Writing focuses your attention, sharpens and directs your thinking process, and clarifies situations. Written and well-thought-out questions often contain the answer, or answer themselves. I have used writing to focus my own attention, suggested written exercises for clients, and calmed and energized groups.

Writing Questions to Focus on The Job

During the first week of my first job following college, my supervisor told me to write down all my questions in preparation for talking the next day. While I know that she was motivated by finding a way to not be bothered with questions all day long from new employees, I have benefitted more from this suggestion than she did. I have come to consider the act of writing down a question to be a brilliant method for focusing attention that I have carried forward in many situations. Read the rest of this entry »

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