Motivation and Inspiration

August 31, 2023

The difficulty with starting a journey like mine has always been maintaining the motivation to continue indefinitely. How many of us have begun things with the promise to ourselves and others that we’ll continue indefinitely, only to finish a week or two later and move on to something completely different. Take new years resolutions, for example……

I’ve found that there are a number of ways to remain motivated - things that inspire me to continue with this life improvement journey when previously I might have already given up by now. So I’m going to share these with you :

Personal Development blogs

I find that going back to my original inspiration to start this journey also helps me to remain motivated and continue on this path. Reading Steve Pavlina on a regular basis not only improves my knowledge of these things and furnishes me with more ideas, but also keeps me motivated to continue on my own journey.

Keep getting up early

I used to be notoriously bad at getting out of bed in the mornings. I’d often push the boundaries to see how late I could get away with waking in the morning, finding myself rushing around aimlessly and not even thinking. Since I decided to get up a couple of hours earlier every morning, it has given me the time to think about what I’m working towards and bring it into focus every day.

Similarly, this has almost become a daily goal for me (in spite of the fact that my body is getting used to it), meaning that I wake up every morning having already achieved something important. This gives me one hell of a lift in the mornings!

Listen to the positive people

Truth be known, there are plenty of people out there who have not only achieved much of what I’m hoping to achieve, but they also write about it regularly, and urge similar people to do the same. Reading lots about these people helps to keep me motivated to emulate them.


When I’m working, I tend to find some music inspiring and certain music pieces motivate me to succeed. These will of course be different for other people, based on the key events in your life and your music preferences. Two pieces of music which currently provide me with inspiration are the Champions League Theme Music, and the music from the Harry Potter films. Finding your own inspirational music can help to improve your focus and achievements during work.


I also find inspiration from pictures. In particular, pictures of my family and pictures of Canada inspire me, and I’m sure to keep these pictures around me whenever possible to ensure that I remain focused and motivated on achieving my goals in life.

Turn bad influences into positive energy

I find this to be another of my key improvements since I started this journey. Whereas previously negative influences (in particular work influences) would have either made me angry or negative too, I’ve learned to spin these influences on their head and turn them into a positive reminder of the direction that I don’t want my life to move into. Let’s take for example a boss that gives you a hard time at work. You can do one of a few things in these circumstances. You could become really negative, saying things like “he’s the boss, there’s nothing I can do” and resigning yourself to a workplace that is a complete misery. You could get really angry, shout and maybe hit, and end up leaving that job in disgrace (this is probably slightly better than the first :) ).

Or you could use his negativity and spin it into a positive manner. You could remind yourself that you’d hate to turn out like him, and do something about it. You could imagine his reaction on the day that you tell him you’ll be leaving to pursue a life changing venture on your own. And then remind yourself that in 25 years, he’ll probably be doing the same shit to a whole load of different people.


Positivity + inspiration + motivation = success

Discover your inspirations, and stay positive.

Read More by Newbury at Improving My Life Blog

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