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The Pauper Mentality with Google Adsense Tip

15 08 2006

Some people are stuck on being poor. They think about all the debt they have, and are consumed by their LACK of money. Here is the trick The more you think about what you DONT want the more of that you get. If you think Debt The universe will send you more of what you think about most passionately.

Live with Passion, as Mentor Guru Anthony Robbins has so eloquently stated, but be passionate about that in which you WANT not dont want. Its so easy to get caught up in the Pauper Mentality and be in a constant state of lack. But a swift change in focus will allow abundance to flow into your life.

Choose to be successful. Choose to be Wealthy. Choose your Thoughts Wisely. Choose a Prosperity Consciousness, and Create Wealth.

Google AdSense Tip

If you are wanting to make money and get out of the trap, here is a strategy that may assist you in your journey towards wealth. Read the rest of this entry »

The Power of Positive Thinking

15 08 2006

You are what you think. You feel what you want.

Why Think Positively?

All of our feelings, beliefs and knowledge are based on our internal thoughts, both conscious and subconscious. We are in control, whether we know it or not.
Aim high and do your best
We can be positive or negative, enthusiastic or dull, active or passive.

The biggest difference between people is their attitudes. For some, learning is enjoyable and exciting. For others, learning is a drudgery. For many, learning is just okay, something required on the road to a job.

“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
Abraham Lincoln Read the rest of this entry »

Heroes - Pohaku

8 08 2006

PohakuWho is Pohaku?

Pohaku is your spiritual coach. His job is to help you remember the things that you already know. Like a treasure buried beneath your house, this knowledge has been within you all the time and Pohaku is simply helping you unearth what is already yours. The shamanic belief system Pohaku uses is based on the ancient Polynesian system commonly referred to as “Huna”.

He has been living in Hawaii, practicing the Huna way for over 20 years and has studied Read the rest of this entry »

Your Action Fuels Achievement

2 08 2006

AchievementI was reading a magazine recently when something caught my eye. The article mentioned that most people that exercised regularly (and as a result tended to be in the best shape) were those guys and gals that didn’t so much plan out when they would work out, but rather simply worked out regularly without giving much thought to specifically when they would make time to do so.
At first I thought to myself … self, how on earth with such busy lives that we lead do these folks ever find the time to get their work outs in?
After a bit of pondering on this it became glaringly obvious that by taking this approach they weren’t allowing themselves to fall victim to the part of us that over analyzes things. You know the one I’m talking about.
The part of us that says I don’t have time to work out — Read the rest of this entry »

Yes, Virginia, There Really Is a Secret of Happiness

25 06 2006

Is there a secret to happiness? You probably are expecting me to say “NO, there is no secret.” While it is true that there are many factors that affect our happiness, I believe there is one secret that determines whether those factors will work for you, and that is the secret to happiness.

But first, a few words of background. In 2001, I published the first edition of Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: the 9 habits of maximum happiness. I did all the things authors do, right up to getting my self some media interviews. Being an old hand at media relations (actually, Canada’s second-most-quoted consumer advocate at the time), you would think I would have been superbly prepared for the question that almost every journalist would ask me:

“So, which of the 9 habits is most important?”

What?! Which one is most important? Why, they are all important, of course. That’s why I wrote about them all. I was obviously too close to the forest to see the trees. Or, in this case, the tree.

After being asked this question a few times, I was forced to think, and think hard. And out of nowhere, I had an “Aha!” moment that stands the test of time five years later.
Read the rest of this entry »

Delusions of Grandeur

7 04 2006

I have to say… I’m fuggin awesome… and I love myself and think that I kick ass, in nearly every single way. heh. And if everyone loved themselves and strived to make themselves as good as possible, what a world it would be.

Is it ego to want to be the best that we can be in mind, spirit, and body? I think not, in fact, its our responsibility to be the best we can be.

Don’t get me wrong… Im far from perfect. But, I truly love myself and am quite happy with who I am… and the blessing that I have. However, am I content? No. So, Im aways in a state of improvement.

Read the rest of this entry »

Consciously Choosing a Positive Attitude

19 02 2006

Do you consciously choose your attitude each day? If you’re like most people, probably not. Most of us tend to let our circumstances choose our attitude for us. We’re in a good mood as long as we get up on time, the kids cooperate and get to school on time, the car starts without a problem, we don’t encounter any traffic jams on the way to work, the boss doesn’t yell, our workload is manageable, etc. This system can work fine as long as everything runs smoothly in our lives.But that’s not always the case, is it? Situations don’t always adhere to our expectations. Accidents happen. Delays happen. Spouses and bosses can be difficult to please. Vehicles break down. Kids may resist our efforts to keep the schedule running smoothly. What happens to our attitude then? If we don’t make the effort to consciously choose a positive attitude, we run the risk of developing a negative one at random.

How would our lives change if we consciously chose a positive attitude each day? For starters, we’d feel much Read the rest of this entry »

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