» ‘Best Advice I Ever Got’ Series 08 - Sallie Krawcheck, CFO, Citigroup · Leadership Training · Personal Development 2.0 Blog, Podcast, and Portal | Cultivate Greatness | Leadership Blog |

‘Best Advice I Ever Got’ Series 08 - Sallie Krawcheck, CFO, Citigroup

--> 29 01 2007

Sallie Krewcheck

“When I was a kid I was ‘that kid’ –freckles, braces, and very unfortunate glasses. If I wasn’t the last chosen for the team, I was the second to last. There are so many heartbreaking stories I remember, like the time I finally managed to kick the ball in kickball. I was running for first base all excited, and then my glasses fell off and I had to go back and get them. The teasing was really tough. I wasn’t just crying in class; I was falling apart at school. My grades went from A’s to C’s.

“Don’t listen to the naysayers.” - Sallie Krawcheck, 40, CFO of Citigroup

“One day when I was really down, my mom sat me on the sofa. She spoke to me as though she was speaking to another adult, telling me to stop paying attention to the girls who were teasing me. She told me that they were naysayers who would sit on the sidelines and criticize those who were out there trying. She said that the reason they were doing it was because they were jealous. Looking back, I know they weren’t really jealous, but at the time, I believed my mom. My grades went back up, and I never let the naysayers bother me again.”

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