leadership trainingBy Joe Farcht

What would Warren Buffett say was the greatest investment that he ever made? What would Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey say was the greatest investment they ever made? How about Mary Kay Ash?

What would the most admired person you know say was the greatest investment that they ever made? How would your answer to that question compare to theirs?

Their answers would not be the food they ate, the home they live in, the investments that they made, the friends that they made, or the luck that befell them. They know that the best and greatest investment that they made was the investment they made in themselves. What investments did they make in themselves?

Every outrageously successful person has made these investments. They became motivated by wanting something better in their lives than what they had experienced in the past. They were determined to take unwavering and tireless action to create the life they wanted and envisioned to live.

They did whatever it took to achieve the results that they desired. They settled for nothing less.

They proactively sought and learned what they needed to learn to become the person that they needed to become. They sought wisdom through study, meditation, and spiritual development. They never became content with their life but always sought to develop more of their unlimited potential and unleash more of their greatness.

Every person reading this message can do exactly the same as Warren, Bill, Oprah, Mary, and your most admired person. It’s a matter of how you make your investments.

Make your investments in your own learning, growth, and development and you will acquire the wisdom to generate and acquire great wealth not only for yourself but for all those who help you and for the advancement of mankind. You will acquire the resources you need to serve and uplift your family, friends, coworkers, and peoples of the world.

What is your decision? Maintain the status quo or move out and claim the great riches that are yours?

Yes it will require effort and struggle, work and toil, motivation and resilience. It’s worth it. What is your choice?

About Joe Farcht-

Joe Farcht is the founder and president of Leadership Advantage, Inc. He develops and coaches leaders, executives, managers, supervisors and individuals to new levels of performance, competency, and success in their work and life. Joe is the author of the book Building Personal Leadership: Inspirational Tools & Techniques for Work & Life. He is also a certified executive coach, popular speaker, and master at leadership skill building with individuals and groups. You may learn more about him and his services at http://www.leadershipadvantageinc.com. Please contact Joe at joefarcht@cox.net or call 602 996-1802.

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