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8 Reasons to Have Good Posture

Your parents were right - Posture is Important! “Sit up straight!” “Don’t slouch!” - I’m sure we’ve all heard those admonishing words more than once from our mother when we were growing up. And most of us begrudgingly complied with her command having no concept of the anatomical and biomechanical rationale behind her persistent prodding. [...]

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The 2 Essentials For Finding Your ‘Real’ Voice

By Nancy Daniels Most people are unaware that they can improve their speaking voice, that they probably should improve their voice, and that the techniques for doing so are simple and basic. And while good voice training will actually improve many other aspects of your life, not all those who teach voice understand the two [...]

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22 Ways to Never Feel Tired Again

by Nancy Rones Every day, 2.2 million Americans complain of being tired. Most of us chalk it up to having too much to do and not enough time to do it in, especially during extra-busy periods. But often the true culprits are our everyday habits: what we eat, how we sleep, and how we cope [...]

Continue Reading Podcast #016: Dr. Zhi Gang Sha - Soul Wisdom | Soul Mind Body Medicine | Power Healing

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha is an M.D. in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Canada and China. He is an extraordinary divine healer, teacher and spiritual master. Dr. Sha is a grandmaster of many Eastern disciplines including Tai Chi, Qigong, Kung Fu, Feng Shui and I Ching. He has authored the New [...]

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