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Begin to Live as though your Prayers are Already Answered - Anthony Robbins

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Our Innate Desire to Quit When the Going Gets Tough

Our Innate Desire to Quit When the Going Gets Tough

by Hyrum Estrada I have seen a pattern amongst many people in life; the pattern of quitting when times get tough. Quitting is perhaps one of the easiest things to do because it requires no effort at all. Quitting on your business, quitting school, quitting relationships, quitting on goals that you are pursuing. I once [...]

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Lessons for Leaders – From the World’s Highest Mountains

Lessons for Leaders - From the World’s Highest Mountains

by Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE One of Carl Jung’s favorite words was “synchronicity”, that unexplainable convergence of unplanned events which offer insights and opportunities. When I agreed to join a trekking expedition through two remote provinces of the Indian Himalayas, I had no way of knowing that this adventure would coincide with the publication of [...]

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Leadership Effectiveness: The Power of Communications, Motivation, and Emotions

Leadership Effectiveness: The Power of Communications, Motivation, and Emotions

by Dr. Brian Walsh Effective leaders see more in other people than people see in themselves, and one of your objectives as a leader is to bring their talents to the surface. Understanding the three fundamental elements that affect performance will build team loyalty and cohesiveness. These elements are communication, motivation, and emotions. Communication You’ve [...]

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