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10 Tips for Staying Motivated All Year Long: Tip No. 1

By: Dean Anderson  Ask any veteran of the weight loss wars and they’ll tell you that success depends just as much on exercising your mind as on exercising your body and changing your diet.  Let’s face it. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to eat and exercise if you want to [...]

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11 Unconventional Sleep Tips: How to Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep

I have a lifelong difficulty with falling asleep at night and then — even more problematic — staying asleep. I don’t have a medical cause for insomnia or any sleep disorders, just a brain that likes to go into overdrive when my body finally has a chance to lie down and rest. I’ve looked to [...]

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100 Healthy Tips and Tricks for Wellness and Fitness

By Jessica Merritt Everyone wants to look and feel healthy, and there are seemingly endless easy ways to improve your health from the inside out. Whether you’re improving your diet or just getting off the couch, small steps can make a big impact. Read on to learn about 100 different ways to make make an [...]

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How to Find the Olympian Within

by Denis Waitley You’re standing on the highest pedestal, the one in the center. You hear the roar of approval from the crowd. As the first note of the national anthem is played in the Olympic stadium, you feel all the pride and honor that accompanies this moment. Ten thousand hours of preparation for this [...]

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