Archive | August, 2008

70 Things To Do Before Having Children

They say having children changes everything. While it’s unquestionably a remarkable time in one’s life, I can also see how the transition introduces obvious limitations. Suddenly you have dependent beings of life to care for. Responsibility kicks in, compelling you to dedicate a significant portion of your time and attention to the best interests of [...]

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Worry is Prayer for What You Don’t Want

Sometimes, it is very difficult to NOT think of what you DON’T want. We are wired to think and worry about things that we don’t wish to happen. This is very detrimental to your success, as when you think of anything, your subconscious views it as something you would like to have happen. We think [...]

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8 Ways to Take It to the Next Level

by Dustin Wax No matter what you’re doing, there comes a time when you are going to want to take things up a notch. Maybe it’s your career — even if things are going along fine right now, ultimately you’d like to get a promotion, increase your client base, or reach a larger audience. Or [...]

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How to Find the Olympian Within

by Denis Waitley You’re standing on the highest pedestal, the one in the center. You hear the roar of approval from the crowd. As the first note of the national anthem is played in the Olympic stadium, you feel all the pride and honor that accompanies this moment. Ten thousand hours of preparation for this [...]

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