Archive | September, 2008

Overcoming Procrastination “Carpe Punctum” - Seize this Moment

So, I have been listening to a lot of enlightening media lately, and they seem to have a central theme.  The moment.  Most of us get caught up in the day-to-day living of life, in which we are always tuned into thinking about things that don’t necessarily apply to right now.  If you want to [...]

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Small Business Tips – It’s Never The Perfect Time

Many people wait for things to be “perfect” before they pursue their dreams and goals. They wait for the perfect conditions, the perfect attitude, and the perfect time of year. They really want to achieve their goals … but the time just isn’t right. In business they wait to take action on things they need [...]

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6 Essential Areas to Being a Great Leader

If I asked you to name someone you thought was a great leader, who would you pick? John Wooden? Abraham Lincoln? Your grandmother? You have reasons for your selection. What are they? What makes that person a great leader? Too often we know a great leader when we see one, but less often are we [...]

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