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Don’t Take This Personally

by Tim Brownson I’m sorry to say this but you are a complete imbecile. I know you probably don’t like hearing it but the truth will out and that’s just the way it is so you may as well accept it I’d also like to tell you that you are too fat or too thin, [...]

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17 Ways to Stop Being a Perfectionist and Get More Done

photo by Sarah Hobbs By Christina Laun Although sometimes it may seem like it, no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and has at least a few faults. And while it may seem like a noble goal, striving to be a perfectionist in your work or personal life can actually be more of a hindrance [...]

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How Do You Spend That Hour Before Work? It Could Mean Millions

By Michael Masterson Jack and Jill live in the same apartment building and work in the same office. They both wake up at 7:00 a.m., shower, have breakfast, and get to work by 8:00 a.m. It is at this point that their habits diverge. From 8:00 until 9:00 (when the rest of the workers come [...]

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The Art of Persuasion

By Ross Bonander The art of persuasion represents the history of shrewd but diplomatic manipulation — getting people over the fence and onto your side without the use of force. Its ultimate goal is basic, but difficult: To convince your audience to internalize your argument, then embrace it as a part of their core belief [...]

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