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How Not to Talk to Your Kids

The inverse power of praise. — By Po Bronson What do we make of a boy like Thomas? Thomas (his middle name) is a fifth-grader at the highly competitive P.S. 334, the Anderson School on West 84th. Slim as they get, Thomas recently had his long sandy-blond hair cut short to look like the new [...]

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Seeds of Family Leadership: Empowering Others

by Denis Waitley The world needs role models, instead of critics. Others know when you have their best interests at heart. You are truly successful when you can extend a strong hand to someone who is reaching out or just trying to hang on. Come through for others, and they will come through for you. [...]

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Know Where You’re Going in Life… You May Already be There

A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them. “Not very long,” answered the Mexican. “But then, why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more?” asked the American. The Mexican explained that [...]

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Change Your Beliefs About Money or Stay Broke

by Alvin Soon I was reading Marc Allen’s The Millionaire Course and wondering why I’ve always seemed to have problems with money. Growing up, my family turned from being well-off to struggling and it seemed like I got stuck with this ‘poverty consciousness’ along the way. Then I got to wondering about difficulties at work. [...]

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