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8+ Ways To Train Yourself To Be Creative

flickr image by Dalydose by John Hoff @ A short time ago I received an email from a young entrepreneur asking me how he was suppose to compete in a marketplace where the competition was high and more established companies had big advertising bucks. I mentioned a few ideas to him but the one [...]

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Imagination is Power!

By Melissa Zollo John Lennon entitled a song “Imagine.” Thoreau once said: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” Neville once said: “Imagination is the very gateway of reality.” Are you waking up to a new way of being? Can you feel something rumbling deep within you, calling out [...]

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What are the Qualties of a Visionary?

By Ross Bonander In 1899, the commissioner of the U.S. Patent Office wrote a letter to President McKinley urging him to abolish his office, noting that “everything that can be invented has been invented.” Lacking an imagination, this man’s vision was to shut down the state-sponsored hunt for innovation and new ideas. Contrary to this, [...]

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Thank And Grow Rich

By Rebecca Fine No, that title isn’t the written expression of my old Okie* accent kicking in. “Thank” is EXACTLY the right word! (My apologies to the late Napoleon Hill, author of the classic, Think and Grow Rich.) Gratitude is like a muscle. It takes regular exercise to strengthen it and make it strong. And [...]

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