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Being “Too Busy” Can Cheat You Out of a Fabulous Life

By Joe Farcht There are probably many things you’d like to do but simply don’t have the time for. You’re just too busy to do them! Here are some changes you can make so that you accomplish the things that are truly important to you. If you experience this feeling, then it’s time to sit [...]

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How To Project Leadership

by Wil Schroter There you are, sitting at the head of the conference table staring into the faces of your new subordinates. They know you’ve never led this group before. They know you’re new to this leadership position. Heck, they may even be aware that you’ve never held a leadership position since you were the [...]

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Better Leaders Create Better Expectations

By John Chappelear In my workshops on productivity and leadership, “Change the People or Change the People” is one of the most popular tips I share. It helps the attendees understand more clearly the roles and responsibilities of managers, supervisors, and executives, and the roles and responsibilities of the employees. Over the next few months [...]

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The Art of Caring Leadership

By Mike Moore There are literally millions of words written and spoken each week on enlightened leadership yet the fact remains that low morale, high stress and job dissatisfaction continue to be three of the most serious problems facing the workplace. We seem to be so effectively socialized into top down leadership that we find [...]

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