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Top Ten Tips for Meditation

By R.Pettinger Meditation can simplify our lives and help us live in the eternal now. When we enter into real meditation we experience a real sense of peace and joy. To gain access to this inner reality meditation is necessary. These are some tips to help improve our meditation. 1. Proper Breathing. If we can [...]

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The Three Things That You Must Do To Effectively Use The Law Of Attraction.

by Stuart Amyes The other day I listened to the conversation Anthony Treas had with Bob Doyle from Anthony’s 12 Week Life Transformation Series, Bob was discussing his experience using the Law Of Attraction and his cameo appearance in the movie, The Secret. Bob said, “…..The law of attraction explains how our experience is our [...]

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If Your Friends are Being Stubborn about The Secret…

If you have a few people in your life who are procrastinating watching The Secret, or worse yet, being cynical about the movie. Just let them watch this short 11 minute clip. It sums up the movie perfectly and is inspiring to watch again, even if you have seen the movie several times. Enjoy! Tweet [...]

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A Great Wealth Affirmation

“I am so happy and grateful now that money flows to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis, for the good of all involved.” Bob Proctor mentioned this when he was on the Ellen Degeneres Show talking about The Secret with John Assaraf at about the 4:15 mark. In fact, watch [...]

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