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10 Imaginitive Ways to Pump your Mind for Ideas

  Ever play with Tinkertoys as a kid? This toy where you had wheels with peg holes in it, and wood stems of various sizes in which you could create anything. Well, I ran across this book, Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques, by Michael Michalko, has inspired my creativity… I’m only about 28 pages [...]

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10 Ways to Develop a Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity consciousness is based on the idea that our thoughts create the reality we see and experience on a daily basis. By using a specific set of tools, we can root out the negative thinking which is causing us to experience lack and transform our lives on all levels and attract a bounty of abundance. [...]

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Keeping Things in Perspective

Mountains have always captured our imaginations, calling us to scale their heights, to circle and worship at their feet, and to pay homage to their greatness. Mountains can be seen from thousands of miles away, and if we are lucky enough to be on top of one, we can see great stretches of the surrounding [...]

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Skip New Years Resolutions - Create A Life Vision

By Bonnie McFarland It’s January, a time that many people, hoping to improve their lives, make New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately experts say that in less than a month the majority of those resolutions will already be broken. So why not completely skip the resolutions and create a “lights on” vision for 2008 instead? A vision [...]

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