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22 Ways to Never Feel Tired Again

by Nancy Rones Every day, 2.2 million Americans complain of being tired. Most of us chalk it up to having too much to do and not enough time to do it in, especially during extra-busy periods. But often the true culprits are our everyday habits: what we eat, how we sleep, and how we cope [...]

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Change Your Beliefs About Money or Stay Broke

by Alvin Soon I was reading Marc Allen’s The Millionaire Course and wondering why I’ve always seemed to have problems with money. Growing up, my family turned from being well-off to struggling and it seemed like I got stuck with this ‘poverty consciousness’ along the way. Then I got to wondering about difficulties at work. [...]

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Fundamental Tips for Longevity in the Gym

By: Dave Draper I have a friend from Muscle Beach who is three-quarters of a century old this July. He lifted weights when not fighting the enemy in Mindanao during WWII and can no more give up his workouts than a dummy can give up his ventriloquist. His advice is to figure out what exercises [...]

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Finding the Technique for Perfect Breathing

by Travis Wright Back in 1995, I noticed that I was breathing incorrectly. The more I noticed it, the more that, it seemed, it got worse. Little did I know, the Law of Attraction was in full effect. Energy flows where attention goes. My breathing got worse. Then stress began to prevail in my neck [...]

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