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How Do You Spend That Hour Before Work? It Could Mean Millions

By Michael Masterson Jack and Jill live in the same apartment building and work in the same office. They both wake up at 7:00 a.m., shower, have breakfast, and get to work by 8:00 a.m. It is at this point that their habits diverge. From 8:00 until 9:00 (when the rest of the workers come [...]

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Where Are Your Habits Leading You?

By Jack Canfield You are an accumulation of your habits. From how you get out of bed, how you shower, how you dress, how you walk, sit, and talk, how you respond to the world, how you act in front of others, and how you think; you’re living out your habits. Habits are necessary. They [...]

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The Value Of Self Discipline In Life

By Mark David Peters You have probably heard about self discipline before, but do you actually have it? This article examines the importance and development of self discipline in life. The Temptation To Live An Undisciplined Life In today’s society we live in a world where temptations are everywhere. We have TV, video games and [...]

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Why do Some People Consistently Inspire Others to Follow Their Lead?

John C. Maxwell is world renowned for his knowledge of leadership, and his book, The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader (published by Thomas Nelson, 1999), is clearly the place to get started. But first, let’s start with a simple question: Why do some people consistently inspire others to follow their lead? According to John [...]

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