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Drink Soda and Damage Your DNA

Research from a British university suggests that sodium benzoate, a common preservative found in many soft drinks, has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA. This could eventually lead to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson’s. When a UK professor of molecular biology and biotechnology tested the impact of sodium [...]

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Retune the Body with a Partial Fast

by Patricia Neighmond For thousands of years, beginning with philosophers like Hippocrates, Socrates and Plato, fasting was recommended for health reasons. The Bible writes that Moses and Jesus fasted for 40 days for spiritual renewal. To understand how the body reacts to a lack of food, you could start by looking at what happens to [...]

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The Quest: Going to the Gym 100 Days in a Row- Day 47

by Travis Wright On December 7th, 2007, a brand-new 24 Hour Fitness opened up in my neighborhood, and I decided that I would join the gym. Well, I have gone every day in a row, except Christmas Day, which it was closed. However, I didn’t know it was closed, so I “went” to the gym [...]

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22 Ways to Never Feel Tired Again

by Nancy Rones Every day, 2.2 million Americans complain of being tired. Most of us chalk it up to having too much to do and not enough time to do it in, especially during extra-busy periods. But often the true culprits are our everyday habits: what we eat, how we sleep, and how we cope [...]

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