Optimizing Your I.Q. and Maximizing the Brain’s Potential

By Leon Edward

Everyone has heard of an IQ test. The potential of the brain is called intelligence quotient or I.Q. These tests use the theories of unitary and multiple, which is believed to the two main theories when studying the brain.
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Unitary refers to the part of the brain where the linguistic and mathematical capacities and confined them to that area. While the multiply theory include the parts of the brain that use visual/ spatial, musical/rhythmic, body/kinesthetic, interpersonal or intrapersonal development.

It has been determined that there is only three ways to increase your brains potential.

You first have to determine what you are good at. Very few people are good at everything. A person is considered intelligent whether their skill is derived from music, visual, body, or intrapersonal, intelligence.

Most people possess these skills and probably do not even realize it. If you are a creative person at heart, try your hand at writing, acting or singing.

You may be amazed at how well you do. Some people are born with in affinity for numbers; you may not think it is anything special, however others may. There are so many different areas in which you the potential excel.

Gymnastics, Dancing, building or designing, you do not know what you are capable of doing until you try. You get the most amazing feeling when you accomplish something you have never done before. If you do not even try, you are doing yourself a great disservice.

Very few people are classified as geniuses. A genius is a person who has extreme intelligence. Such people include Einstein, Mozart and Bach. These brilliant men accomplished greatness through their genius. This is not to say that you have to be a genius to be successful. It simply means that you should use your brain to the fullest extent that you can. The more you try to improve yourself, the more your brain will benefit from it. When you utilize your brains potential you can achieve anything. Using your will power can point you in the right direction.

Broadening your horizons will also increase your brains potential. This is not to say that you should sit down and study the encyclopedia. When you study, you are acquiring knowledge through all five senses- touch, taste, see, smell, and taste.

You want to learn from your experiences in life, and experience everything in life. You cannot do that by studying. This is an excellent way to increase the potential of your brain.

New skills can be learned everyday. Talent comes in two forms, either you are born with it or you learn it. The brain is like a sponge, ready to absorb everything that is brought to it. The old adage that practice makes perfect holds true.

It is not difficult to maximize the brains potential. Many people everyday do it without even realizing it.

By simply reading a book, or singing along to your favorite song on the radio, you can increase your brains potential.

There are many IQ tests that one can take; however, many people question the accuracy of these tests.

Author’s Bio

Leon Edward helps people improve IQ, focus, memory, concentration, creativity, speed reading, public speaking, time management and reducing stress. Download his IQ Mind Brain Memory Self-Help library at his website http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com

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9 Responses to “Optimizing Your I.Q. and Maximizing the Brain’s Potential”

  1. May 3, 2023 at 1:00 am #

    I agree that every person is good at something. The only problem with some who think that they are not good with anything is that they haven’t tried everything yet.

  2. May 3, 2023 at 7:57 pm #

    I believe that the purpose of schools is not only for education but also for identifying our unique talents which we are good at. Leaving this mystery to ourselves will probably take us a long to discover it without any interest or outside force.

  3. May 4, 2023 at 1:23 pm #

    Thanks for such an excellent article. I especially enjoyed the part stating that we are all gifted at something. That’s so true. I think the key here is to focus on your strengths.

    I also liked the tip on learning with all five senses. It’s not enough just to open a book. Excellent points…

  4. Joy
    May 5, 2023 at 5:40 am #

    Visualizing the right way to music can enhance your brain waves and your subconscious, and is a very effective way to optimize your brain. Because our brain does not differentiate between imagining something and a belief that we hold, we can in fact “trick” it into performing better.
    selfdevelopmentsecrets dot com/freeattractionreport.html

  5. Dollars
    May 6, 2023 at 10:17 pm #

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  6. ken Triat
    May 6, 2023 at 11:38 pm #

    A good article Richard on our IQ’s and being good at specific things. I have looked at a web site for Stephen Pierce where he brings out issues of development of brain capacity and the use of vibration and sounds to stimulate our Beta among other wavelengths to gain more from our brains. Have you seen anything in this line.

  7. Dave
    May 7, 2023 at 12:42 am #

    Great article. I also believe that everyone of us is good at something. It only happens that some people don’t try hard enough to find out what it is.

  8. May 8, 2023 at 6:12 pm #

    I believe that everyone has great potential but that most of us find it too much like hard work to realise it. Success in anything = 20% intelligence / ability + 80% motivation. It’s the constant motivation that is the hard part! Using visualization of goals really helps and I found lots of informative tips in The Secrets of Visualization Attraction Report. Have a read and get your motivation pumped up!

  9. Brain
    November 13, 2023 at 10:00 am #


    Thank you very much for this article. I have been trying to look for ways to increase my intelligence, and your article seems to be extremely well written. Another excellent site i found is http://www.geniusintelligence.com which helps to increase intelligence

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