23 Ways to Be a More Thoughtful Person

by Travis Wright

According to my personality type, ENTP, I tend to be more logical and not as sensitive to other peoples feelings. I go about my day in a deep thinking state, but that doesn’t mean I am necessarily ‘thoughtful’. So, as we are all on the path together, I wanted to put some thinking towards how we can be more thoughtful and caring toward others. We all live on this planet together, so it would be nice if we could do some things for others to make them feel good. As a result of helping others, we are rewarded as well.

People like to feel important and they like to feel like you care about them. So, we need to let people know that we do truly care by our actions. Here are some things that we could do, and if you have others, please take a moment and contribute them in our comment area.

Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought. - Henri Bergman

1. When you say “Thank you” tell the person specifically what it is you appreciate and why you appreciate it. “Thank you for going to the store for me, and getting my shaving cream. I really appreciate it. You rock!”

2. When you meet someone new, be sure to send them a follow up email to let them know that you enjoyed meeting them, and look forward to connecting in the future. Then, connect with them in the future. Your network is one of your most valuable assets.

3. Send ‘Thank you’ cards. We got some thank you cards created for my business, Adiqus, and they come in very handy. If we have a meeting with someone new, we make sure to send them a handwritten note of thanks. I think the handwritten part adds some sincerity and makes a positive impact on the recipient.

4. Place an unexpected phone call just to say “Thank you” or just a quick hello. Connecting in this way adds warmth to your appreciation even if you reach voice mail… and be sure to at least leave a voice mail.

5. Say something nice about someone, where that person can overhear you mentioning it to someone else. This is where eavesdropping can work in your favor. They hear you talking good about them to other people, and it makes them gleam with pride. This works especially well with children.

6. Another way to stay in touch is to make sure to send birthday cards, holiday cards, and anniversary cards to the people in your life that mean the most to you. This is an area of improvement for me, personally, as I think Hallmark is a big scam! But, it does mean a lot to the recipient of a heart felt card.

7. Call your Mother, Father and Grandparents if you are blessed to still have them around. They love to hear your voice and they want to know what is going on in your world. Let them in!

8. Encourage and compliment others when the moment is right. Sometimes compliments can make people a bit uncomfortable in the wrong setting, but most of the time, a compliment or encouragement can really add some pep in that person’s step. Sometimes, you just may make that person’s day.

9. Offer to give your significant other a massage or other ‘favors’ without any expectation of anything in return. The simple touch can make your significant other feel less stress and feel closer to you. Sometimes, an added benefit comes from this, but don’t go into it, expecting it.

10. Go to an event, movie, restaurant or whatever that your companion wants to go to. Don’t force your will into every situation, let them choose and enjoy yourself. It doesn’t always have to be your way.

11. Let them win. Sometimes, its okay to let the other person win. It makes them feel good, and its really okay. You don’t HAVE to win, do you? This is especially important when dealing with little kids, because it can help mold their confidence.

12. Buy a nice little something for a loved one. One flower from the market can go a long way. One Hot Wheels car can make a child’s day. Both typically cost less than $2. Good bang for you buck, right there.

13. Turn the volume off during commercials. Mute those pesky things. It is considerate and thoughtful for yourself!

14. Organize a food drive at your office, church, or neighborhood. Collect food and bring it to shelters.

15. Give a ‘Toy for Tots’. This is a great organization set up by the Marines that gives needy children a toy during the holidays.

16. Invest some time or money in Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit housing organization that builds simple, decent, affordable housing in partnership with people in need. Good stuff. Bring a hammer and pound some nails, or just send a check. It’s a great organization.

17. Perhaps you could have a garage sale for the whole neighborhood and donate the proceeds to an agreed upon organization.

18. Bake your neighbor a pie or some other baked good. Your neighbor may be there when you most need them, so do something nice for them in advance!

19. Donate some time at an orphanage, homeless shelter, or old folks home. Bring your child along and let them experience the profound effects of each. Bring books, crayons, pads, and art supplies to children in orphanages and homeless shelters.

20. Become a Big Brother or Big Sister.

21. Live your life with an attitude of gratitude. Think about what certain people have done that you are grateful for, and return a favor. Gratitude is a key to happy, thoughtful life.

22. Lighten up and try not to be so serious. Everything isn’t of utmost importance. Laugh and live a little, and give more of yourself to those you love.

23. Turn off the computer, turn off the T.V. and spend some quality time with your loved ones.

I’m certain there are more creative things that we can do to become more thoughtful, and I’d love to hear your thoughts. So please add your 2 cents below! It’s the thoughtful thing to do, you know!


Travis Wright


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4 Responses to “23 Ways to Be a More Thoughtful Person”

  1. January 16, 2024 at 12:46 am #

    Great post! Upon reading this, I suddenly remember my friend back then in grade school, Zara. She’s now in Singapore and the sad part of it is that we don’t have any communication. But I’m surprised that I got a card from her five years ago. You said that it is much appreciated if its hand written and it did! I’m so ecstatic to read the card and since then we’ve been calling each other if we have the time.
    Thoughtfulness doesn’t have to be too pricey, for it can be shown in so many ways. A simple hello could mean so much if you really mean it.

    This could be a good start for those who lack the sense of thoughtfulness.
    A good reminder to keep them track and to have a brand new life.

  2. January 17, 2024 at 8:15 pm #

    Often thoughtfulness is in receiving. Make sure when someone gives something to you - even if it’s small - take time to appreciate it and slow down.

    Loving Awareness : A Journey to Wholeness

  3. Ron
    May 27, 2023 at 2:40 pm #

    I almost semi-agree with you on your concepts EXCEPT one CRITICALLY IMPORTANT fact. Live here, give here! In your list you promote only nationally affiliated charities which get enough exposure and fanfare. Instead of promoting national charities that spend millions in fundraising and soliciting for volunteers, why not say “VOLUNTEER or give in SOME way TO a LOCAL charity”. There are many local nonprofit community-based organizations throughout the United States that struggle to survive simply because the predatory national charities steal all of the LOCAL resources. Each donor only has so much to give and unfortunately have a tendency to give to the organizations that make the most noise, (and have the largest promotion budgets).
    Please tell everyone to LIVE HERE, GIVE HERE…or give to a local charity doing good. If you look around, you will find many credible LOCAL charitable groups that are NOT affiliated with any MULTI-NATIONAL corporations disguised as nonprofits.

  4. tshepang
    August 23, 2023 at 6:36 am #

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