Archive | February, 2008

17 Ways to Stop Being a Perfectionist and Get More Done

photo by Sarah Hobbs By Christina Laun Although sometimes it may seem like it, no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and has at least a few faults. And while it may seem like a noble goal, striving to be a perfectionist in your work or personal life can actually be more of a hindrance [...]

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8+ Ways To Train Yourself To Be Creative

flickr image by Dalydose by John Hoff @ A short time ago I received an email from a young entrepreneur asking me how he was suppose to compete in a marketplace where the competition was high and more established companies had big advertising bucks. I mentioned a few ideas to him but the one [...]

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The Seven Demands of Leadership

by Dr. John Maxwell An earnest young man once approached me during a Q & A session, and asked, “What is the ONE THING I need to know to be a great leader?” as if he was searching for the hidden key to unlock the universe. Amused by the simplicity of his question, my answer [...]

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Be Your Real True Self

by Yehuda Berg Most of us aren’t 100% real. We are too afraid to show our true colors, to unfurl the flag of our true thoughts and emotions. We think people would run away screaming if they saw what we really looked like. Or we think they would fire us, drop us, hate us, judge [...]

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