Double Your Pay

February 22, 2023

by Brian Tracy

I have taught time management strategies to more than 100,000 people over the last few years and the successes these people have had have often been amazing. Many of them have doubled their output in as little as one or two days. One businessman in Philadelphia tripled his income and doubled the amount of time he spent with his family within twelve months. Another businessman from Montreal increased his income by 700% over a period of two years by disciplining himself to practice these principles every hour of every day.

You probably have the ability to produce and earn easily twice as much as you are producing and earning today.

Small Effects Yield Large Results

The good news is that even a small effort on your part to implement the very best of time management principles into your life will yield a tremendous return in increased productivity, performance and output. It is like stepping on the accelerator of your own life and moving yourself onto the fast track in your career.

Efficiency Starts At School

We usually learn how to work efficiently and effectively in our teenage years by doing our schoolwork and our homework in an excellent way and handing it in on time. If a young person does not learn how to work during their school years, he or she will have a tough time working when they actually take a paying job.
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Imagination is Power!

February 18, 2023

By Melissa Zollo

John Lennon entitled a song “Imagine.” Thoreau once said: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” Neville once said: “Imagination is the very gateway of reality.”

Are you waking up to a new way of being? Can you feel something rumbling deep within you, calling out to live more creatively, successfully, joyfully? The fragmented ways of your old thinking cannot bridge the divide between mind and matter, body and soul, challenges and dreams. What if you build your finances, your business, your health, your relationships and your life around imagination and use your mental images, thoughts and feelings to attract the fulfillment of your dreams? By intentionally shifting into new states of consciousness you can change your blueprints of reality and affect your world. Imagination is power and you have it! Imagination creates reality.

Life is a banquet

Life is a banquet, so why are so many starving to death with unfulfilled desires? Laziness, complacency, no time, fear of the unknown – you name it and the excuses line up. It’s up to you to impress your subconscious mind with beneficial images of success. Doing this allows you to shift from undesirable patterns of being disempowered into habits that empower you.

Everything begins with a dream, a purpose or a goal. Being able to focus and concentrate in the midst of chaos gives you the winner’s advantage. You are a “focuser of energy.” Focus plus uplifted emotional moods are the keys to your success. Whatever you do, never lose focus!

Everybody Wants a Better Life

Everybody wants a better life, but if you do the same old things in the same old way you will get the same old results. If a farmer plants corn seeds, he gets corn; he doesn’t get tomatoes. If you focus on failure, poverty, or violent ideas how will you harvest (attract) success, wealth, or peace. If you want to change the results you are getting, you must change your images, because thought is creative. How to begin? First you must have a desire that is far greater than what you are currently experiencing.
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From Business Survival to Business Growth.

February 13, 2023

life hacks

For a start, all businesses share certain commonalities. Among these are what I call the “four oarsmen” of business success: survival, liquidity, profit, and growth.

1. Survival speaks for itself. Every living being is faced with issues of survival in routine threats to existence. In business, such threats can be as simple as overextending obligations or failing to fulfill a contract. Agency managers should never take survival for granted. Yet they often do. Many agencies risk their survival by allowing one or two clients to represent a dangerously high percentage of their volume. If those clients are lost, the agency may lose its life.

A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.
Mahatma Gandhi

2. Liquidity is the lifeblood of daily operations. It is the ability to meet payroll week in and week out, to pay the rent and the phone bills, reliably, with no duress or urgency. It is the ability to handle payables in a timely fashion so that work may go on. It is the ability to have adequate credit with banks, which expect regular payments on loans. The ability to spend and invest in those things that will improve the agency’s services to clients, competitive strength, and grasp of opportunity all depends on liquidity. To be illiquid is to be disabled.

3. Profit fertilizes business. Profit is to be shared with employees as reward for acomplishment and contribution. Profit is to be distributed to shareholder in return for investmen, risk, and patience. Profit is to be reinvested in people, plant, proactivity. Profit is to be retained for additional cash resources. Profit is to reaffirm that the company
s strategy is working and its operations are sound.

4.Growth allows for self-renewal: new opportunities, new challenges, new skills, new people, new clients to replace those that are lost. Growth means additional volume to offset spending declines by existing clients; larger scope of work, greater scope of workers; and a way to keep moving forward, to avoid staleness of being stationary. Growth reconfirms the good that clients already think of your company. Growth revitalizes company morale, making the conditions of employment even more promising. Growth provides a means to enlarge the company portfolio. Finally, growth enhances the probabilities of success.

Eric Mower [via] “The Advertising Business”

God Creates No Garbage

February 9, 2023

life hacks

This is a Guest post from Blog Carnival participant, Edith Yeung. She is a powerhouse. Check out her blog.

What motivates you to get up every morning? What put a smile on your face before you go to bed at night? Why do you do what you do every day?

Imagine you are given a vault to open. Inside this vault lies the answer to your life’s purpose.

This is a big iron vault. If you force it open, you will damage what’s inside. The easy way is to find the key to the vault, but you have no idea where the key is…

Sometimes you may find keys which look like they could work, but when you try them with the vault, you only leave with disappointment and sadness.

You can’t wait to open the vault and find out your true purpose. You know the answer is inside and it is only one turn of the key away.

We are all here for a reason. For a purpose. We are here to serve. To dream. To fulfill a purpose that our creator has designed for us.

The key to understanding your purpose is to find the key to your vault.

Lots of people would pass you by and tell you what the right key is. But no one really knows except you.

The trick is that only you will be able to find the right key to your own vault. And, the only way to find out is to closely listen to your heart.

Trust your intuition. Not your mind. Not your intellect. And definitely not anyone else’s.

You can and you will find the right key. Once you find that key, it will be easy (like a breeze) to open what seem to be a complicated puzzle.
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