Consciously Flowing Appreciation: Developing Your “Gratitude Muscle!”

By Carolyn Beale

We’ve all had days when, for whatever reason, we seem to find ourselves living unconsciously, guided by outworn beliefs and feeling stuck in lower-energy vibrations. When these times occur, you can help yourself to shift into higher alignment by remembering the power of appreciation.

Gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation, blessing – these are all states of being that open the garden gate to abundance, prosperity, synchronicity… namely, Serendipity! Begin by paying appreciative attention to what truly matters: the things of your heart, your creative life and sense of self, your family and friends, your community.

Open yourself to engagement, and most especially enchantment. Here are six fun ways to re-connect with your power of appreciation:

1. Reduce your wants and needs to their most basic level. In other words, what is the feeling or quality that you most desire to expand? Beauty, joy, freedom, time, security? Allow yourself to take one small action today to increase that appreciated quality in your life.

2. Spend time alone in play with your inner artistic child. Do something you remember taking pleasure in as a kid. For me it’s things like glitter, iridescent paints, beads, or baking chocolate chip cookies. Ask yourself: “What did I have fun doing at the age of ten or so – what made the hours fly?” Connect with those inspired ideas that whisper “Oh, this might be fun!”

3. Take a healthy break from routine. Research indicates that we are actually more productive and efficient when we give ourselves regular “rest and relaxation” periods. Even a few moments of quiet contemplation in the midst of an activity-filled day can help to regenerate your spirit and your sense of gratitude.

4. Visualize the best possible outcome of an aspect of your life. Give it as much detail as you possibly can: color, texture, scent, temperature, touch, sound, and most especially the wonderful, ecstatic, positive feelings associated with your beautiful picture. Then let go of your attachment to “how” it’s all supposed to work out, and let the Divine take care of the details. Meanwhile, you’re listening for the gentle nudges of your intuition and bravely taking small steps every day on the path to your heart’s desire.

5. Consciously focus on the “Fun Factor.” Sometimes we get so wrapped up in “doing” it right, that we forget to “be” appreciative for all the wonderful things that already exist in our lives. Your creative desires are a gift to be savored and explored, they hold a key to limitless possibilities. Invest some time seeking your joy and discovering it delightedly and unabashedly.

6. Do something pleasurable and nourishing for your physical body- do it mindfully, with the awareness that you are deliberately appreciating and nurturing your wonderful self! Eat some healthy, delicious food; go for a brisk walk; or soak your feet in a bath of epsom salts and a few drops of a favorite essential oil.

Watch how the power of gratitude works to create peace, beauty and joy in your life!

Author’s Bio

Carolyn Beale is a freelance author and publisher of Serendipity’s Garden website, A Celebration of Abundance: Body, Mind & Spirit. Subscribe to her complimentary bi-weekly Ezine, a delightful assortment of tidbits to satisfy your senses, stimulate your curiosity, and soothe your spirit. Features include uplifting articles, empowering quotations, selected artwork, recommended websites, guest columnists, and much more.

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3 Responses to “Consciously Flowing Appreciation: Developing Your “Gratitude Muscle!””

  1. March 13, 2023 at 12:53 am #

    Great Tips Travis.

    My favourite is “Spend time alone in play with your inner artistic child.”

    Sometimes I think that kids are so much smarter than us dumb adults. They are experts at finding ways to have fun (there’s an idea grown-ups), while we are experts at finding new things to worry about.

    Kids all start out as optimists but us clever grown-ups train them to be pessimists (we use the term realist) by the time they’re about fifteen. We suck the joy, optimism, creativity and fun out of them because we want to prepare them for the ‘realities’ of life. Lucky them.

    If only we all understood that responsible behaviour, intelligence and common sense don’t need to be at the expense of joy, fun and occasional silliness.

    Keep up the great work! Craig.

    Craig Harper - Motivational Speaker’s last blog post..Motivational Speaking 101

  2. March 13, 2023 at 4:12 pm #

    Thank you for this post - it’s an excellent reminder of something I believe in so strongly: gratitude.

    What I’ve been doing recently to become more clear on what is truly important to me, is to ask myself this:

    As a entrepreneur that is committed to following my heart’s desires, I also believe that in order to achieve what it is that I truly want, I have to be prepared to “lose it all” … but what does that actually mean?

    What does it mean to lose it all? Does it mean selling the house, the car, the furniture? And if so, what am I left with? Would I still be here?

    For me, the answer is my relationship with my incredible husband, and YES, I will still be here. I will still smile. I will still love. I will get a job so that I will still eat. And though it may sound traumatic, it isn’t for me, because I realize that what I am most grateful for is the people in my life that I love, and my own courage to step into the power and truth of who I really am, and putting my fears into context.

    Fear isn’t real. But gratitude is.


    Erin Thoms Melnick
    Modern & Millions Maven

  3. January 8, 2024 at 8:11 am #

    This is a beautiful list of suggestions. You really tap in to the essence of the feeling of gratitude: joyful playfulness. We tend to get so weighted down with the burdens of life, and we forget to be lighthearted and playful. And yes, if we’re not prepared to “lose it all”, then we are way too attached to material things to let our heart really soar. Be as little children: take no thought for tomorrow. Just be happy now. If you stop and look around you, you’ll find that you already have everything that you could need. Perspective is everything. I’ve written my own list of ways to develop your gratitude muscle, especially on those days when you’ve let worry and depression drag you down into a dark pit of despair. Check it out at

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