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How To Acquire A Wealthy Mindset in 5 Powerful Steps

by Ellesse @ Goal Setting College There is a feature in the Investment section of my Sunday local newspaper that I’ll never skip, even though I’ve a notorious reputation in my circle & family for missing out on important news. It’s a weekly success story column on people who’ve made it good in the respective [...]

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Seven Easy Steps to Improve Your Concentration Powers

By Leon Edward Perhaps you have heard the old saying “If there is a will, there is a way”. Many say that the same holds true with concentration. If you can learn to harness your power of concentration, then you will have the willpower to do just about anything. Perhaps you have even heard the [...]

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Optimizing Your I.Q. and Maximizing the Brain’s Potential

By Leon Edward Everyone has heard of an IQ test. The potential of the brain is called intelligence quotient or I.Q. These tests use the theories of unitary and multiple, which is believed to the two main theories when studying the brain. Unitary refers to the part of the brain where the linguistic and mathematical [...]

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Healing Waterfall Meditation

By Rosie Powel Sit comfortably as in a position that you would use to normally meditate…and replace your meditation with this one. Relax, and imagine you are a beautiful waterfall. [Give yourself a few moments for this] Now…repeat a few times in your mind…or ask your guide to do so for you…he/she just might. “The [...]

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