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Public Speaking is the Number One Fear

Research has shown that public speaking is the number one fear. If you have seen poor performances, you can understand why! Matt Eventoff can help you overcome this fear. Numerous CEO’s and corporate chairmen; local, state and federal candidates; and leaders throughout the country have trusted Matt Eventoff as their strategic advisor. Matt specializes in [...]

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Transforming Fear, Anger, and Jealousy into Creative Energy

By Osho Your emotions, your sentiments, your thoughts-the whole paraphernalia of the mind-are manipulated by the outside. Scientifically, it has become more clear now, but even without scientific investigation the mystics have been saying exactly the same thing for thousands of years-that all these things your mind is filled with are not yours; you are [...]

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FLOAT Above It All.

by Travis Wright When a situation doesn’t turn out as you would liked it to, take a moment to reflect and visually float above it all. Seriously. Imagine that your are like a spirit floating above this moment in time. Now, take look from a new angle. Sometimes, you will find a certain ridiculousness about [...]

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How Do You Act Under Pressure?

By: James Delrojo How a person acts under pressure tells a lot about what that person is like. A valuable strategy is to observe yourself when the pressure is off and when the pressure is on, notice the differences and see if you can learn something that may help you become successful. If you put [...]

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