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5 Reasons to Abandon Television

by Ron Haynes @ The Wisdom Journal Abandoning television is a serious step in today’s society. Television is both a fantastic resource and a faceless attacker of wealth. It has the ability to inspire and the ability to depress. It can make you happy and scare you to death, it can inform and educate, but [...]

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Four Simple Steps to Turn Persistence into a Habit

by Bob Proctor If you were to choose just one part of your personality to develop that would virtually guarantee your success, I’d like to suggest that you place persistence at the top of your list. Napoleon Hill, in his classic Think and Grow Rich felt so strongly about this subject, he devoted an entire [...]

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The Quest: Going to the Gym 100 Days in a Row- Day 47

by Travis Wright On December 7th, 2007, a brand-new 24 Hour Fitness opened up in my neighborhood, and I decided that I would join the gym. Well, I have gone every day in a row, except Christmas Day, which it was closed. However, I didn’t know it was closed, so I “went” to the gym [...]

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10 Ways to Develop a Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity consciousness is based on the idea that our thoughts create the reality we see and experience on a daily basis. By using a specific set of tools, we can root out the negative thinking which is causing us to experience lack and transform our lives on all levels and attract a bounty of abundance. [...]

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