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Keeping Things in Perspective

Mountains have always captured our imaginations, calling us to scale their heights, to circle and worship at their feet, and to pay homage to their greatness. Mountains can be seen from thousands of miles away, and if we are lucky enough to be on top of one, we can see great stretches of the surrounding [...]

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You Learn Something New Everyday. Mudras?

So I was using StumbleUpon earlier this evening. And I ran across this page According to Wikipedia: A mudrā (Sanskrit, मुद्रा, literally “seal”) is a symbolic gesture, used in the iconography of Hindu and Buddhist art of the Indian subcontinent. They are usually made with the hand or fingers. Along with āsanas (seated postures), [...]

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Relaxation Rescue

by Laura M. Turner Let’s face it, stress is everywhere. It lurks in every corner and around every bend, just waiting to “get” us. And study after study concludes that although some stress can be productive, prolonged stress can lead to chronic illness. Yet, stress can only “get us” if we let it. If we [...]

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Instructions for Happiness

by Su Avasthi There are, at minimum, 20 techniques to make the pursuit of happiness a little easier. At least that’s the idea behind Time‘s Special Report on the subject. It seems that the latest science (and apparently, it is a science) is focused on ways to be happier as a whole, rather than on [...]

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