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The Quiet Millionaire Wins the Financial Game

Book by Brett Wilder Being a millionaire is a realistic aspiration if you are knowledgeable and diligent about becoming one. Today, people are required to accumulate greater amounts of money to fund their lifetime goals and objectives than was necessary by previous generations. This book covers what should be included in a comprehensive financial management [...]

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The Four D’s of Financial Success

by Brian Tracy More than eighty percent of self-made millionaires in America began with nothing or in many cases, less than nothing. I can certainly relate to that because when I was growing up and right into my early 30s, I never had any extra money with which to start a fortune. It seemed to [...]

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Creating A Money Mind-Pattern

By Janet D. Swerdlow Do you want more money right now? Do you have the mind-pattern to attract it? This is the key that only the wealthy know! They always have plenty because their mind-patterns only know wealth. There is not a doubt in their minds of who they are, what they have, and what [...]

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Social Lending Networks : Loans Without Banks That Change Lives

Wow, so there is a new thing that I just discovered this evening, called Social Lending. According to Wikipedia: Person-to-person lending[peer-to-peer lending] is lending done between individuals circumventing the bank’s traditional role in this process. Community lending had the advantage that people’s interpersonal relationships fostered increased fiscal responsibility. The risk was that without the benefit [...]

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