by Travis Wright

When you are grateful, God and the universe will give you more to be grateful for. Living with a pleasant attitude and with a positive disposition will generate more happiness into your life and the lives of others around you. By adopting an appreciation for things, more things to appreciate become noticeable to you, it will be ridiculous. Happiness and gratitude begats happiness and gratitude.

leadership trainingWe may not have everything that we would like to have, and that is okay. Learn to consume the moment more and give thanks for the moments you are blessed with, and move forward with expectancy of that in which you desire. If you are grateful for what you got, then you get a lot.

Be aware of this very powerful thing, and you will open up doors to blockages in your path for success. You find the key. You open the door, and imagine your new world… then, make it so.

Enjoy the journey, but plan the ride.

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