20 Reasons Why Your Life May Suck

December 29, 2023

By: Robert Hunt

This list is not all inclusive. One or many may apply to all of us at one point in time. They’re all inter-related but for the sake of argument, broken down into specifics. If you find your life is not what you want it to be, consider the following:

1. Your thinking is all wrong. When I say “wrong”, I don’t mean politically correct. I mean the balance of your thinking is negative or rooted in worrying about what has happened or what you think is going to happen. You fret over how events will make your life a living hell without ever stopping to think that they really don’t have anything to do with your happiness. Your living hell is self induced.

2. Your imagination is limited. You’ve boxed yourself into a self image without even knowing it. You don’t push the envelop and explore your potential possibilities. You feel stuck. You give up way too soon before you’ve given yourself a chance to succeed simply because you don’t envision your greatest possibilities as a reality.

3. You Have low self esteem. Deep down, you really don’t think your worth a damn.

4. You don’t have goals. You don’t have a clue about what you want in life. You’re rudderless… your ship is floundering. Put the rudder in the water and get some direction in your life. You may not know what you want but yet your responsible for what you are.

5. You don’t have an education. No education… no future, unless you like living under a bridge or in an apartment complex where the cops make it a point to cruise by every hour.

6. You’re not very kind. Self explanatory.
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Forget ‘New Year’s Resolutions’, Begin New ‘LIFE’ Resolutions

December 28, 2023

by Travis Wright

seed sprout

What is a New Life Resolution? How is it different from a New Year’s Resolution?

Well, an internet friend, Saymorre, posted a comment on one of my articles the other day, saying “Good luck Travis. I too am embarking on what I call New Life Resolutions, because New Years Resolutions are… in my words… for wussies!”

This was the first time that I had heard the term, New Life Resolution. Doing a google search, I notice only 98 other times has this term been uttered online. But, WHAT IS A NEW LIFE RESOLUTION?

It’s a complete change of thinking, a new way of living. New Year’s Resolutions seem to only last a month or two, whereas a New Life Resolution can be life altering. You decide what you want, and you go for it. It’s the conquest of the goal of something better for your life.

You have to improve, you MUST improve. It is not a ‘wish I could change’, but a ‘I MUST Change.’

Why do most New Year’s Resolutions fail? A survey conducted by the Gail Kasper consulting group, a leading speaking and coaching company, found that Americans aren’t taking their futures very seriously. Read more

Goal Setting Done Right

December 27, 2023

by CG.com Contributor, Josh Bickford
Goal Setting

If we want to do anything with our lives we must set proper goals. It’s not enough to just set goals, and wait for them to come about. We must set proper goals, and spend our time working our way towards them.

What most people miss when making their goals is that they set them too low. It’s pretty common thought, albeit wrong, to set goals that are “attainable.” This kind of logic is crazy, because what it’s really saying is that you can set goals that are easy, and goals that require little or no growth from you. If your goal requires little or no growth from you I would hardly call it a goal.

Mark Victor Hansen would tell you that you should set your goals and call them BHAG’s. That’s Big Hairy Audacious Goal. He’d tell you that your goal should be so big, so hairy that it scares you to death.
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Growing Day By Day - Becoming A Better Person

December 26, 2023

by DailyOM.com

At some point in our lives, many of us find ourselves overcome with the desire to become better people. While we are all uniquely capable of navigating this world, we may nonetheless feel driven to grow, expand, and change. This innate need for personal expansion can lead us down many paths as we develop within the context of our individual lives. Yet the initial steps that can put us on the road to evolution are not always clear. We understand that we want to be better but have no clear definition of “better.” To ease this often frustrating uncertainty, we can take small steps, keeping our own concept of growth in mind rather than allowing others to direct the course of our journey. And we should accept that change won’t happen overnight—we may not recognize the transformations taking place within us at first.
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