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Creating Life

February 2, 2023

babyBy Contributor Josh Bickford

When you arrived here as a baby your programming was very limited. You understood crying, sleeping, eating and the other natural effects of those actions. You didn’t know anything of what you know now. You were not born with the knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. Is wasn’t at your birth where you developed the ability to know what you were capable of. As your mother held you on your first day of life you didn’t know what was possible and impossible, risky and safe, or really up from down.

All of these were things that you learned. Your feelings about everything are learned. How smart you feel, how nice you feel, how good looking you feel you are, how you feel about your health, how you feel about money, how you feel about everything is learned behavior.

As a child you were a risk taker, and you spent your days trying to have fun, and do the things that brought you joy. If you aren’t spending your days as an adult doing the same thing it’s because you’ve learned something different. Life was meant to be enjoyed, not something to struggle through!

Now for most people we learn everything from our parents. They teach us right from wrong, up from down, left from right, and they teach us what we are able to do. Why do I say that you ask? How many people grow up and live the exact same way their parents did? Is it more common for someone who’s parents are poor to become poor as well, or is it more common for that person to become rich? Does the child of “unsuccessful” parents typically follow in their footsteps, or do they most often break the mold and live a wildly successful life?

We know the answers to these. Most often our way of thinking is shaped by our parents, and our upbringing, and we then follow in the same footsteps. It’s too bad really, because people have the choice to create their own life. They don’t have to follow in the footsteps of anyone!

To do this you must develop your desires. You must learn more about yourself, and you must spend time figuring out they “why” behind everything you do, believe and feel. All of these traits were developed, you weren’t born with those. Worry and doubt are not character traits, they are choices. Being rich or being poor is not bestowed upon us before we are born, it’s our choice. If you want to be rich you’ll make the choices in your life to become that, whereas if you don’t want to be rich you’ll make the choices to live that way as well.

Figure out if you are taking the time to develop yourself. Are you creating the life you want to live? Are you challenging your thoughts, actions, feelings, reactions and learning from them? Do you have yourself under your own control? What choices do you make on a daily basis that move you toward, or further away from the life you dream of living?

That dream life of yours is available. You have every ability needed to grasp and enjoy that life! The choice is yours whether or not you want to create that desire, and give yourself the life you deserve, or you can create the life you don’t want. The choice is yours–I hope you make the right choice!

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