How To Make Everything The Bright Side

June 8, 2023

by Alex Shalman

For nearly every situation, there is a way to make it seem positive. If you missed the bus, you met an interesting person waiting for the next one. If you lost a loved one, you began to finally value your own life. If you had a “failed” relationship, you learned a valuable lesson.

Going through life with a new paradigm has been serving me well these past few weeks. I’ve been able to take situations, separate myself from them, and turn them around until I see the positive aspect of the experience. Some may see this as a delusion, but I see it as exercising a choice.

While every person may not have a choice as to what happens, everyone is given a choice as to how they will react. Reaction is the most powerful choice that a person can exercise. Mastering this choice will give you the power to turn hate into love, fear into courage, despair into hope, and death into life.

All you have to understand is that this is your reality. All you have to do is ask yourself: How do I want this to affect me?

Guest posted by Alex from Alex Shalman dot Com where he writes about personal development and abundance. You can find the original article at How To Make Everything The Bright Side.

Positive Thinking is Destroying America!!!!111one

May 19, 2023

Illustration by Robert Neubecker. Click image to expand.
By John Gravois
Dear Oprah,

Not too long ago, one of your viewers—a woman named Kim—wrote you to announce that she had decided to halt her breast-cancer treatments and heal herself with her mind. Kim had just seen your two shows dedicated to The Secret, the self-help phenomenon that says we shape the world with our thoughts, and she was inspired to bet her life on it.

You’re an optimistic lady, Oprah, but this gave even you the willies. So you went on the air to “clarify your thoughts” about the Law of Attraction, The Secret’s underlying theory that mind conjures matter. You implored Kim to go back to her treatments. And you told your audience that the Law of Attraction “is not the answer to everything. It is not the answer to atrocities or every tragedy.”

You saw the craziness in that logic, and good for you. But frankly, Oprah, I don’t think you’ve done quite enough to make up for turning the Law of Attraction into the biggest thing since TomKat. Since you gave it your endorsement, The Secret has become one of the fastest-selling books and probably the most successful infomercial in history. The gaggle of gurus who peddle The Secret’s message all over the world are still out there, arguing that it is the answer to every atrocity and tragedy. One went so far as to blame the suffering in Darfur on stinkin’ thinkin’.

That’s a lot to answer for. But don’t worry, Oprah. You still have the power to turn this entire misguided craze into a “teachable moment.” And I know how you can do it. Just have your people pick up the phone right now and invite Karen Cerulo on to your show.
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Ten Great Life Skills to Have, to Get, to Use, and to Improve!

April 13, 2023

By Jim M. Allen

It takes a lot of skills to negotiate through life. Many of them we pick up along the way, others we need to develop, and some we just need to polish a little bit.

Here are ten important life skills:

1. Listening

2. Giving compliments

3. Accepting compliments

4. Thinking positive

5. Saying “No”

6. Laughing

7. Planning

8. Asking questions

9. Reading

10. Exercising

Now, consider the following questions:

How often do you use these skills? -Not enough? Too much? Or not at all?

Could you benefit from studying or applying any of these more? What type of help would you need to improve a skill?

Are there others skills that are more important or more necessary to you than these are? If so, what are they?

Answer these questions and you’ll not only discover weak areas that you need to improve upon, you’ll discover your true strengths… and have a lot of fun while you do!


Jim Allen is a writer, speaker, and life coach. For more ideas, subscribe to his weekly newsletter, THE BIG IDEA by sending a blank email to:

Seeds of Optimism: The Biology of Hope

March 15, 2023

by Denis Waitley

Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You may not get what you want, but in the long run you will get what you expect.
personal development
A good life is a collection of happy memories.

The good old days are here and now!

Happiness is the experience of living a life you feel is worthwhile.

To be enthused is to be infused with life!

Accept yourself as you are right now; an imperfect, changing, growing and worthy person.

You are a masterpiece of creation.

Each human being on earth has equal rights to fulfill his or her own potential.

You are an uncut gemstone of priceless value. Cut and polish your potential with knowledge, skills and service and you will be in great demand throughout your life.

View stumbling blocks as stepping stones to the stars.

Optimism creates energy and is contagious.

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