Double Your Pay

February 22, 2023

by Brian Tracy

I have taught time management strategies to more than 100,000 people over the last few years and the successes these people have had have often been amazing. Many of them have doubled their output in as little as one or two days. One businessman in Philadelphia tripled his income and doubled the amount of time he spent with his family within twelve months. Another businessman from Montreal increased his income by 700% over a period of two years by disciplining himself to practice these principles every hour of every day.

You probably have the ability to produce and earn easily twice as much as you are producing and earning today.

Small Effects Yield Large Results

The good news is that even a small effort on your part to implement the very best of time management principles into your life will yield a tremendous return in increased productivity, performance and output. It is like stepping on the accelerator of your own life and moving yourself onto the fast track in your career.

Efficiency Starts At School

We usually learn how to work efficiently and effectively in our teenage years by doing our schoolwork and our homework in an excellent way and handing it in on time. If a young person does not learn how to work during their school years, he or she will have a tough time working when they actually take a paying job.
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How to Make Six Figures, Each and Every Year

January 24, 2024

If you read this, statistically you are not making a six figure income. We would all like to get make a lot of money so that we can be financially independent, but not all of us are willing to do what it takes together there. You can’t just take an application down to a major corporation and expect six figures; you have to do some work to get there. If you’re up for the challenge, here’s how you can earn at least $100,000 each year.

The first thing you need to do is choose the right profession. Some jobs are just a lot better paying than others. You won’t make six figures being a janitor. This statement is pretty obvious, yet so many people ignore this information and get that psychology major anyway. This does certainly not mean you should try to be an actor, because Tom Cruise makes millions of dollars for each movie he’s in. You should choose a career, such as finance, medicine, law, or higher education that anyone can do very well with if they work extremely hard at it. Before even considering an education, you need to figure out what you want to do, and find a niche in that industry that will pay very well.

The second thing you need to do is become the right person for the right profession. Yes, this means getting an education, whether it be self taught or through some sort of post-secondary education. Look at all of the different advertisements for the positions that you want to be, and see what they require. This will tell you exactly what you need to learn and become experienced in. Study on a part-time basis if you can’t fully commit yourself to a new education. Even if you pick out the right job, chances are you won’t make six-figures right away. Doctors have to be interns and residents before they can be part of a private practice. This is the step that requires the largest time commitment, and where many people seem to fail. If you can manage to hold out for long enough, you’ll get all of the education that you need.
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10 Ways to Develop a Prosperity Consciousness

January 22, 2024

life hacks

Prosperity consciousness is based on the idea that our thoughts create the reality we see and experience on a daily basis. By using a specific set of tools, we can root out the negative thinking which is causing us to experience lack and transform our lives on all levels and attract a bounty of abundance.

Steps toward a Prosperity Consciousness

1. Set aside at least twenty minutes a day to study and visualize your new life.

2. Buy a loose leaf binder and label it “Dreams Unlimited.” This is where you will workshop the life you are creating for yourself and get clear on what you really want. This will be the place where you write your affirmations, make notes about the process, collect uplifting quotes, make collages of the things you are manifesting, and keep track of the things you accomplish.

3. Develop an affirmation for yourself based on what you are attempting to attract into your life. It should be present tense and contain only positive statements. An example would be “I am rich beyond my wildest dreams.”

4. Write out your affirmation at least ten times a day and put it in your notebook. When you are tempted to dwell on the negative, repeat it silently over and over in your head while you take deep breaths.

5. Ignore the naysayers, dream killers, and negative people who tell you that it can’t be done. If someone else has ever done it before, then you can too.

6. Spend a few quiet minutes every day breathing deeply and visualizing your goal as already completed. Picture exactly how you want it to be, but be willing to accept something better. Don’t limit yourself.

7. Read books on creative visualization, prosperity consciousness, and positive thinking.

8. Live “as if.” If a circumstance in your life is not how you want it, withdraw your attention from it. Whatever you focus on expands. Live as if all of your dreams are a reality now.

9. “Follow your bliss.” Experience the joy life offers at every turn if you know how to look for it. Share your love where ever you can. Wear comfortable clothes in colors that you love. Drink a wonderful cup of tea and watch a sunset. Do only that which brings you joy.

10. Let it go. Trust that the Universe has heard your request and is doing everything It can to bring it about. Forget about it. Don’t worry or fret. Live in the moment and watch how all of your needs are met. When you lose faith, call on your childlike resources and pretend.
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The Quiet Millionaire Wins the Financial Game

January 16, 2024

Book by Brett Wilder

Being a millionaire is a realistic aspiration if you are knowledgeable and diligent about becoming one. Today, people are required to accumulate greater amounts of money to fund their lifetime goals and objectives than was necessary by previous generations. This book covers what should be included in a comprehensive financial management program for people of all ages who want to live a financially independent and secure lifestyle. It shows reliable ways to plan and manage the emotional aspects of money, cash flow, assets, liabilities, taxes, investments, employee benefits, insurance, health care, business ownership, college financing, accumulated estate wealth, and, most critical, how not to run out of money during retirement.

In today’s often confusing and contradictory world of information overload, the reader is informed how to discern and distinguish what information is beneficially useful or harmful to his or her financial well-being. Moreover, if professional assistance is desired, guidance is provided for how to select and work with a financial advisor as well as how and when paying for an advisor’s help is justified.
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