Do You Deserve Abundance?

November 2, 2023

life hacksBy Robin Skeen

In your heart of hearts, do you truly believe you deserve extraordinary abundance in your life? Even if you would like to believe it, is there that little voice in the back of your head that whispers doubts? That voice tells you that you really do not deserve to be happy and live an abundant life filled with everything you want and need. This would never happen to you. You’re just going to keep living that same old boring life, so you may as well get used to it. That nagging voice is a product of programming. This comes from all the negative experiences in your life. It gets to the point where we start to believe that voice because it has been saying the same lies to us for years! You even end up sabotaging yourself when good things are about to happen. If this sounds like you, you could be hindering abundance from coming to you. It is time to get rid of these blocks you are unconsciously using.

Three things to remember about this negative inner voice are (1) you can choose not to believe the voice; (2) it is replaying all the negative things you have said to yourself; and (3) it is repeating all the negative things other people have said to you. To start turning this around and begin to encourage a positive inner voice, start by talking to yourself in a kinder and more loving manner. What you tell yourself will be repeated by that inner voice, so change what you tell yourself. Try not to be so hard on yourself when things don’t go exactly the way you would wish. If you consistently speak to yourself in a positive manner, that inner voice will eventually start to change.
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Time Is Money – Budget It Carefully

October 26, 2023

life hacks
by Napoleon Hill

All of us have a single denominator in our fight for success. All of us have an equal amount of time in which to achieve it. Simple rules of health demand that eight hours of every day be spent in sleep. Eight hours more taken up in earning at least the bare necessities of life. That leaves us eight hours more of free time that can be used for whatever purpose we desire.

This is the period you can use to achieve success. Since you work so hard eight hours for the boss, why not put in a few hours more working for yourself instead of spending it idly? Benjamin Franklin once said, “Show me what a man does with his free time and I will tell you accurately whether he will be a success or failure in life.”

The man or woman who doesn’t need to hold down a regular job is doubly blessed for they have twice as much time to devote to their own ends.

Richard Monot found himself in that position. For more than a year, he spent his days in idleness and found—as so many have—that it really isn’t fun to loaf continually. Being a lover of flowers, he bought a tract of land and began growing peonies. His gardens soon became a showplace. More important, they began making more money for him than he’d ever been able to earn in his regular work hour labors.

You should constantly try to “go the extra mile” during the period of the day the boss pays for your service. This brings promotions and pay raises. But it’s even more important that you go the extra mile for yourself during your free time. How are you spending these hours now? Do you fritter them away or do you use them to achieve success?

First, of course, you must decide upon a definite goal in life and lay out a plan for achieving it. Then use your free time to put your plan into action. Remember, whenever you waste time, you are wasting your life.”

Source: Success Unlimited. August 1963. Page 31.

Blast from the Past, Ephren Taylor and GoFerretGo

October 21, 2023

So I was watching The Big Idea on CNBC the other day, and an old boss of mine was on the show. Now, I say old, but he is only 24 now. In 2001, he was 18 years old and he was the Co-Founder of GoFerretGo. I was hired as a national salesmen in August of 2001 until May 2002. An interesting experience working for a startup, especially during post 9-11. But Ephren has always been inspiring with an incredible knack in picking a winner. In fact, I believe that the experience fueled my fire to also become a successful entrepreneur, even though the venture wasn’t as successful as it probably could have been.

Ephren is a one of a kind, classy guy and he is extremely hard working. He makes things happen. In fact, he is the youngest ever CEO of a publicly traded company. And Ephren, well he has 2 publically traded companies. Always the overachiever.

Watch this 4 minute video of Ephren on Big Idea on CNBC, and be inspired by someone Cultivating Greatness!


Travis Wright

Change Your Beliefs About Money or Stay Broke

October 3, 2023

by Alvin Soon

I was reading Marc Allen’s The Millionaire Course and wondering why I’ve always seemed to have problems with money. Growing up, my family turned from being well-off to struggling and it seemed like I got stuck with this ‘poverty consciousness’ along the way.

Then I got to wondering about difficulties at work. Why was it that something I could have finished in much less time took much longer for me to complete - and why was it such a struggle to get it done?

I decided to turn to Lesson Eight of Allen’s book; ‘Discover Your Core Beliefs and Change Them’. After just 10 minutes of soul-searching, I was shocked to discover what I did.

Change Your Beliefs About Money Or Sabotage Your Financial Wealth

After doing some reflection, I discovered I had these unconscious beliefs about money:

1) The more money I want, the harder I have to work.

2) If I really want to make a lot of money, I must have an immense amount of knowledge and skills.

3) I don’t deserve to make more than I do now.

Writing these beliefs down brought home how they were sabotaging my financial success. It even felt ridiculous because I knew people who worked very little and made very much, who didn’t know more than I did and made much more than I do. And I certainly deserve as much as anyone else to make as much money as I wanted!

It was clear I had to change my beliefs about money or I would never be able to achieve the level of financial wealth I desire. Read more

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