Million Dollar Savings Club - Day 30

October 2, 2023

by Travis Wright

If you are unfamilar with the Million Dollar Savings Club, you can read about it here.

So, I have now arrived at day 30. I put $1 in each of the three piles each morning when I first wake up. One in a savings pile, one in an investing pile and one in a charity/give away pile. I now have $90 dollars sitting on the dresser. Each pile consists mostly of ones, with the savings pile and investing pile having one five in it. The charity pile is all ones, and the stacks are growing quite nicely.

I actually went to the bank this week and got $50 worth of ones from the teller so that I will have enough for 2 weeks worth of savings. The power of this project is magnificent, each day, I start out on the right foot by SAVING money. Not handing it to Starbucks for a glorified cup of coffee, or giving it to a fast food joint. I’m starting my day by putting money in three stacks and watching them grow.

You have to think about it. This money seemingly came from nowhere. True, we had to build the habit of saving a dollar a day in three separate piles. But honestly, it really should be something you’re doing now without thinking about.

If you haven’t embarked on this journey with us yet, I would recommend it. It’s so easy to get started.

Remember what we’re learning here: You really need to see the money build up first hand before you can talk yourself into bigger commitments. We will have a plan to grow a million dollars. It is a process, but we have to start small! Soon, we will putting larger bills in the pile and watching the piles grow faster… but for now.

A big shout out is in order for Mr Bryan C. Fleming. His forward thinking has made this possible. Great job, man! This is fun stuff!

We are manifesting a million dollars. Wouldn’t you like to join our club?

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3 Responses to “Million Dollar Savings Club - Day 30”

  1. Alex Kung on October 3rd, 2006 9:04 pm

    I agree to a certain extent that people should save money. However, they should invest in themselves before. Letting them to become an all-rounded peson. This is the most important step that most people neglected.

  2. Bryan C. Fleming » Blog Archive » Day 51: Million Dollar Savings Club on October 24th, 2006 8:28 am

    [...] Travis Wright writes: So, I have now arrived at day 30. I put $1 in each of the three piles each morning when I first wake up. One in a savings pile, one in an investing pile and one in a charity/give away pile. I now have $90 dollars sitting on the dresser. Each pile consists mostly of ones, with the savings pile and investing pile having one five in it. The charity pile is all ones, and the stacks are growing quite nicely.I actually went to the bank this week and got $50 worth of ones from the teller so that I will have enough for 2 weeks worth of savings. The power of this project is magnificent, each day, I start out on the right foot by SAVING money. Not handing it to Starbucks for a glorified cup of coffee, or giving it to a fast food joint. I’m starting my day by putting money in three stacks and watching them grow. [...]

  3. Bryan C. Fleming » Day 51: Million Dollar Savings Club on November 9th, 2006 3:36 pm

    [...] Travis Wright writes: So, I have now arrived at day 30. I put $1 in each of the three piles each morning when I first wake up. One in a savings pile, one in an investing pile and one in a charity/give away pile. I now have $90 dollars sitting on the dresser. Each pile consists mostly of ones, with the savings pile and investing pile having one five in it. The charity pile is all ones, and the stacks are growing quite nicely.I actually went to the bank this week and got $50 worth of ones from the teller so that I will have enough for 2 weeks worth of savings. The power of this project is magnificent, each day, I start out on the right foot by SAVING money. Not handing it to Starbucks for a glorified cup of coffee, or giving it to a fast food joint. I’m starting my day by putting money in three stacks and watching them grow.  [...]

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