Let Go Of Your Ego, It’s Not About You.

April 16, 2023

by Travis Wright

Believe it or not, it is NOT about you. You may like to think it is, or act like it is, but it isn’t. It is about the rest of us and how you treat and interact with the rest of us.
let go of ego
Do you find that people like you? Do you easily make friends, or do you silently criticize other people as not worthy of being your friend. Do you love your neighbor? Or do you despise their existence? Many people do not take the time to appreciate others and their peculiarities. Everyone has their own idiosyncrasies and if we allow them to affect us, then we are allowing that idiosyncrasy to own us.

Emotional outbreaks happen to the best of us. Typically, our bruised ego is the one doing the yelling. Bruised ego flings irreparable insults at your significant other. Why do we let these control us? It is insanity. Yet, we see people do these same actions over and over again.

No one can make us feel a certain way or another way. It is the way we react to their action that can lead us to demise. Many people allow the reaction to be to systematic and automatic, without thinking through the course of anger and action. Say your kid upsets you, next thing you know, you are spanking your kid because he doesn’t want to adhere to your rules. Are your rules ridiculous? Do you even go by your own rules? Have you defined your rules?

Be consistent and be aware how other’s actions affect your emotional balance. And remember, it isn’t about you, or how you feel. Your ego thinks that everyone and everything around you are within its own orbit… like everything is your ego’s celestial moon rotating around you for the sake of you.

It’s not. Its about how you make others feel. It’s about how you lift a hand to those in need today. Right now.

This evening, I explored San Francisco and met so many interesting souls. I got invited into a family’s house for a beer, which happened to be a Natural Light, their son was running uncontrollably all over the house and nearly punching me in the scrotum 7 or 8 times, and sent only love to the child and the family. I got off the bus after talking with them on the bus for a while, they invited me up for a brew. They then gave me instructions on where to go that was cool in San Francisco… I was loving and kind to them and their child on the bus, they felt trusting enough to invite me upstairs. I sent love, love was returned to me.

I left Marisa and Chris’ house and walked to Haight and Ashbury at around 8pm this evening. From there I sent love and happiness everywhere I went, and met up with some interesting homeless people. I have a video that I will upload soon, that is priceless. Garberville and Pardue, two local leftover hippies showed me the ways of the street.

I tell you what, if I were ever a homeless person, on Haight and Ashbury in San Fran is where you want to do it. They have enough charisma to get them through life with flying colors, but they choose a life on the streets. Very interesting choice of destiny, but I totally appreciated their wisdom and candor this evening. In fact, I think a couple more visits down there are very necessary.

Pardue kept looking at me all wide-eyed and telling me that I was a whiz kid. He mentioned that I have it all ready, I just need to drop the ego and realize that it isn’t about me, that it is about everyone else. All of my talents because I help others. He then said ‘You are one of the chosen ones.’

When someone walks up out of the blue to tell you this, it is a bit bizarre. But, as bizarre of an experience that it was, I told him I was going to grab a slice of pizza and offered to buy him a slice, if he wanted. Well, we continued our conversation and he mentioned that he was a Hierophant, a term in which I had never heard of. He seemed serious enough, so I enjoyed his wisdom.

He mentioned that we need to let go of our ego and self importance. We get what we give. So, be aware of your actions and emotions.

Please keep a look out for Pardue and other Hierophants out there sharing wisdom your way. You must be meant to hear that info at the time you hear it. And remember, it’s not about you. It’s about what you can do for all the rest of us.

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One Response to “Let Go Of Your Ego, It’s Not About You.”

  1. Joy on April 19th, 2007 5:37 am

    You’re so right - it’s all too easy to get caught up with ego and live to regret it I’ve always thought. Great post. selfdevelopmentsecrets dot com/howtogetrich.pdf


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