The Quest: Going to the Gym 100 Days in a Row- Day 47

January 22, 2024

by Travis Wright

On December 7th, 2007, a brand-new 24 Hour Fitness opened up in my neighborhood, and I decided that I would join the gym. Well, I have gone every day in a row, except Christmas Day, which it was closed. However, I didn’t know it was closed, so I “went” to the gym anyway. But nonetheless, I have been 47 days in a row, which to me is a major accomplishment.

As a result of being in the technology industry, I find myself sitting behind a computer much of the time. Factor in some Mountain Dew, and Mr. Travis Wright had gained some serious weight. Well, this is all changing. I figure that going to the gym 100 days in a row will be a nice jump start in becoming a person who ALWAYS works out. Instead of being a sedentary person with little physical activity, I choose to be one who works out and stays fit.

Now, also I have changed my diet habits a bit, which is obviously important if you are trying to drop a few pounds. I am eating smaller portions and trying to eat more frequently. Eating breakfast was always a challenge for me, but I am doing a good job of, at least, drinking a Slim Fast shake of some kind.

Since I have been to the gym for 47 days in a row, thus far, I have lost 16.5 pounds. This is very encouraging.

Also, when I go to the gym, I don’t do the same workout everyday. Every other day, I will do chest and back. The other, every other day, heh, I do biceps and triceps. At least five days a week, I will do 30 minutes of cardio on the ellipitical machine. And almost EVERY time I go to the gym, I go into the steam room for some toxin relief. Boy, you sure sweat your ass off in the steam room, and I love it.

The unique benefits of a steam room have become increasingly popular in modern society. The physiology of perspiration includes how sweating helps rid the body of wastes, regulates body temperature, and invigorates our largest organ, the skin. The metabolic effects of a steam room, the positive influence of negative ions released by steam, and the more subtle spiritual and social benefits of the steam experience all contribute to a heightened sense of well-being. Medical studies show that frequent visits to the steam room helps reduce stress and keep your circulatory system running smooth. I recommend it.

It is really hard for me to imagine myself NOT going to the gym, now. I think after 47 days in a row, that I have already trained my body to yearn for the gym. It is my intention to never become a sedentary couch-computer dweller ever again. I must move. I must work out. And it feels phenomenal. I highly recommend getting yourself on the path of positive change, and getting yourself in peak physical fitness. The rewards are endless. Unfortunately, not all the people who join you in the steam room will look like those in the above picture.

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3 Responses to “The Quest: Going to the Gym 100 Days in a Row- Day 47”

  1. Mike Jenkins on May 27th, 2008 8:27 am

    Thats is amazing this is such a motivating story and has got me wanting to go tot he gym right now will have to read this again when ever i lack motivation good one you mate and hope you keep it up!

  2. Casa Palmera on June 6th, 2008 12:38 pm

    I know that making sport is very good for our health and I go to the gym almost every day, but the problem is that I still have weight problems although I spend one or two hours by day to the gym.

  3. Clare (uk) on August 29th, 2008 10:42 am

    Wow, I know I am late reading this story but I really think you have made a fantastic effort. The story was very inspiring. Hope you are still going!

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