How to Make Six Figures, Each and Every Year

January 24, 2024

If you read this, statistically you are not making a six figure income. We would all like to get make a lot of money so that we can be financially independent, but not all of us are willing to do what it takes together there. You can’t just take an application down to a major corporation and expect six figures; you have to do some work to get there. If you’re up for the challenge, here’s how you can earn at least $100,000 each year.

The first thing you need to do is choose the right profession. Some jobs are just a lot better paying than others. You won’t make six figures being a janitor. This statement is pretty obvious, yet so many people ignore this information and get that psychology major anyway. This does certainly not mean you should try to be an actor, because Tom Cruise makes millions of dollars for each movie he’s in. You should choose a career, such as finance, medicine, law, or higher education that anyone can do very well with if they work extremely hard at it. Before even considering an education, you need to figure out what you want to do, and find a niche in that industry that will pay very well.

The second thing you need to do is become the right person for the right profession. Yes, this means getting an education, whether it be self taught or through some sort of post-secondary education. Look at all of the different advertisements for the positions that you want to be, and see what they require. This will tell you exactly what you need to learn and become experienced in. Study on a part-time basis if you can’t fully commit yourself to a new education. Even if you pick out the right job, chances are you won’t make six-figures right away. Doctors have to be interns and residents before they can be part of a private practice. This is the step that requires the largest time commitment, and where many people seem to fail. If you can manage to hold out for long enough, you’ll get all of the education that you need.

One more note about your education, when you are in school, do everything you possibly can for experience. Polish up your resume by taking a part-time job in the field, do undergraduate research, join campus organizations, and the like. This will put you above everyone else aiming for the great jobs. Keep a resume going throughout school, and look at it every month and think of ways to improve it. You also need to practice job interviewing while in school. During your junior year, feel free to apply for jobs even if you know there’s a very low chance that you will take them. Do reading about interviewing and consider visiting the campus’s career services offices for some extra education.

It’s not enough to have the right education and be the right person for the job; you have to be at the right place to get the right job. Let’s face it, some geographical regions in the United States pay a lot better than others. You probably won’t get a great information technology job by being in rural South Dakota, that’s just not how the economy works. Spend some time looking, and consider where you might want to move to that has high demand for your field, and where the cost of living is not outrageous.

When you are approaching graduation, and have reached some sort consensus as to where you might want to move to, you need to find your first entry level job. You will not make six figures starting out most likely, but that’s not the point. Most campuses even bring in recruiters to interview students. You have to apply for a lot of different jobs too, at least 10, quite possibly 20. Take the opportunity with the best chance for advancement and the best starting salary. Work for a good six months, and then it’s time to move on up.

After you’ve got six months to a year of job experience, you will probably have learned a lot. Chances are you’ve learned more in your first year of work than you did all through college. You’re ready for more than an entry level position. Search for better pay and more responsibility. Keep your current job while you are searching for jobs so that you can afford to eat. Generally it’s better to switch to another employer because it’s easier to get a raise that way, and will gain new experience from another company. You probably won’t hit six figures by your second job, but a year or two later, try to move up in job again. Use your experience and skill set to find a job a bit more up the corporate ladder as time goes on, and eventually you will reach that magic six figure mark.

Via [American Small Business News]

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4 Responses to “How to Make Six Figures, Each and Every Year”

  1. War Gold on January 24th, 2008 1:17 pm

    Great post!

  2. 1 Button To WiFi Chick on April 16th, 2008 10:27 pm

    Better yet, why not start your own biz. and this way if you work smart you can give yourself a raise by increasing biz.:-)

    1 Button To WiFi Chick’s last blog post..1 Button To WiFi Hooks Up Consumers With 1ButtonToWiFi Devices At Super-Cheap Long-Distance Phone Rates

  3. warhammer gold on September 18th, 2008 4:17 am

    Thank you, to share good article, I would like to try

  4. warhammer online on October 18th, 2008 3:21 am

    making 6 figures had became really easy for many ppl since the internet has boomed but with the economy in US, any type of business is gonna be difficult to manage. While everyone is getting laid off its becoming even more difficult.

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