Let Go Of Your Ego, It’s Not About You.

April 16, 2023

by Travis Wright

Believe it or not, it is NOT about you. You may like to think it is, or act like it is, but it isn’t. It is about the rest of us and how you treat and interact with the rest of us.
let go of ego
Do you find that people like you? Do you easily make friends, or do you silently criticize other people as not worthy of being your friend. Do you love your neighbor? Or do you despise their existence? Many people do not take the time to appreciate others and their peculiarities. Everyone has their own idiosyncrasies and if we allow them to affect us, then we are allowing that idiosyncrasy to own us.

Emotional outbreaks happen to the best of us. Typically, our bruised ego is the one doing the yelling. Bruised ego flings irreparable insults at your significant other. Why do we let these control us? It is insanity. Yet, we see people do these same actions over and over again.

No one can make us feel a certain way or another way. It is the way we react to their action that can lead us to demise. Many people allow the reaction to be to systematic and automatic, without thinking through the course of anger and action. Say your kid upsets you, next thing you know, you are spanking your kid because he doesn’t want to adhere to your rules. Are your rules ridiculous? Do you even go by your own rules? Have you defined your rules?
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Words That Cut

April 15, 2023

By Gary Barnes

At times, when we get angry and lose our temper we lash out at those we love the most. If we love them, why do we take our anger out on them? Words that cut, do they ever heal? The pain may soon go away, but the scar never disappears. Why can’t we bite our tongue or just walk away? When we fight with our loved ones, nobody wins.

Even if you come out the victor in the fight ask yourself this, Are You Going To Sleep Tonight? Remember, Love should be unconditional; let your loved ones walk down their own path. If you don’t agree with their choices, Know It’s Their Path. We may think we are all wise and know what’s best for others, but you only know what’s best for yourself.

Then, in the moment of someone’s success, we set our sights on the shortcomings instead of looking for the person’s best. I knew a boy searching for his parents’ approval. He tried to excel in everything he did; yet his parents expected more and were never satisfied in his accomplishments. He never heard Good Job My Son or We Are Proud Of You. No, he heard phrases like, Is That The Best You Can Do? Never getting the reinforcement needed to nurture his growth, he said, “I’m only a failure, why should I care?” Why can’t we celebrate when another enjoys success, be happy for them and praise them out loud? Remember that our successes have not been met, YET! Our own success will come if we strive for our goals; then we hear the accolades that we long to be told.
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CultivateGreatness Success and Personal Growth Blog Carnival #012, April 7th, 2007

April 7, 2023

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Here we are with the 12th edition of the Success Blog Carnival at Cultivate Greatness! This issue has also has over 100 Article Submissions! A great amount of wisdom to share… so many golden nuggets of wisdom to share.

Thanks for your submissions! I’m going to increase the amount of carnivals that I put out, so that there are fewer entries on it, making it easier to read all the stuff. There are SO many great articles here, its unreal.

Also, if you article is listed in this blog carnival, please provide a linkback to CultivateGreatness.com somewhere on your site, to provide a nice circle of link love! :-)

Here we are in April. The year is 1/4th over. Make sure to stay on task with your goals and move forward toward your dreams. You deserve them! Thanks for making the April 7th, 2007 edition of the Cultivate Greatness, Success and Personal Growth BlogCarnival a success!

Personal Development

Joysoriano.com presents BELOVED – Part II posted at Street Smart Spirit, saying, “This article encourages the reader to discover his/her beauty and strengths, to continue the never ending process of growth and to be able to truly love oneself, as a prerequisite to being fully capable of loving other people.”

Praveen presents Viewpoint posted at Tao of Simplicity.

Rajesh.P.I presents Freeing a dream… posted at Let the sunshine in, saying, “To free myself from a recurring nightmare, I realized I had to first face it then deliverance was just a step away…”

Christine Kane presents Rust Never Sleeps posted at Christine Kane.

Albert Foong presents Tools: Forgiveness Part One posted at Urban Monk.

Jonathan Fields presents Live Life Forward - Forgive the Past posted at The Being Project.


Billy Smith presents When It Comes To Being A Firefighter posted at The Organic Leadership Blog.

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Office Politics posted at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog.

Ybother presents 10 Ways to Improve your Marketing Presentation posted at TodaysTen.com: Daily Top Ten List to jumpstart your knowledge, saying, “Presentations should be eye catching and have as little text as possible. This article shows you 10 simple to make graphics which spruce up your presentation in less than 5 minutes.”

Aaron M. Potts presents Personal Development Pop Quiz: Why do you Work? posted at Today is that Day.

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What Everyone Should Know about Battling their Family Members

March 23, 2023

by cg.com GuestBlogger Aaron Potts

Very few people in history (if any) have gone through their entire lives without coming to blows with members of their family at one time or another. Sometimes it is parents and children who can’t see eye to eye, sometimes it is a struggle with in-laws or siblings, and sometimes it is married couples who take it to the ring on a frequent basis.

Whatever iteration of family strife that you have in your life, it is rarely an occurrence that has positive results. Controlling this issue can benefit everyone involved, including yourself.

This article is not meant as a psychological analysis of family trauma. However, at a basic level, family problems can at least be alleviated – if not avoided – by simply learning to control emotional responses.

The issue of who is right or wrong, or what resolution is found for any given situation is not nearly as important as the emotions that are generated during the struggle.
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